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  • StateUnion3-19-24.m4a
  • StateUnion3-19-24.m4a



Is Europe being cut off from natural resources? Is Biden trying to force Netanyahu out? Why are the British Royals suddenly MIA? And was Obama's surprise visit to 10 Downing Street just for tea? 

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis




Rafał Gałczyński

Well, French general Pierre Schill assures Le Monde that French are ready to send troops to UKR, 20 000 within a month for a start. Looks like the Crimean War Redux. https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2024/03/19/pierre-schill-chef-d-etat-major-l-armee-de-terre-se-tient-prete_6222812_3232.html

Rafał Gałczyński

The problem with Trump cutting down help for UKR is that the war will not end the day he stops sending money and weapon. Rather, it will transform into a prolonged conflict leading to either UKR collapse and major economic and humanitarian crisis or EUR engagement and escalating the conflict. Putin won't be willing to sit at the negotiating table when he's winning. So, the genius plan of Trump is bullshit. It is easy to say "we don't give a flying damn about Europe", but when you have provided the stability to the major region for 80 years, you can't just walk away not expecting the chaos and the return to old rivalries.