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The new chapter is here! Three days late, but still here. Thank you for your patience people. The next chapter has a target date set as if the chapter was released normally, so don't worry about this disrupting my usual updating schedule.



HAHAHAHAHAHA of course the first lead to the identity of red robe is a complete fluke. I love this story. Also Xvim continues to be ridiculously good at everything, gotta love competent people.


I've been enjoying this so dang much. I need my fix! This chapter was truly fantastic, especially the potential lead. The cliffhanger is going to kill me though :(


The plot thickens. =] thanks for the chapter.

Bruno Salque

Holy molly, this was (again) a solid one !


Got a question. In the past you mentioned Zorien becoming skilled at dimensionalism. And we just saw a use of it this chapter to allow Xvim bypass magical defenses. But what about the opposite ? A shield that acts as a wormhole to absorb attacks, allowing Zorien to get around his raw-power problem in terms of defending himself due to creating a barrier that can take an arbitrary amount of force and never break due to it translocating the attack instead of stopping it.


This would technically work, but creating a wormhole shield is far more expensive than creating a forcefield one. So unless you're trying to block an immensely powerful attack, it's hardly a cheaper option.


I was doing a reread and I had a few questions. 1. After reading your worldbuilding post about Dragons is there any more info you can give us about the one Zach killed? Was he one of the extremely ancient dragons or one of the weaker ones? Was his lair located near civilization? Is that why he was such a nuisance? . 2. If so, does that make Zach one of the most powerful Wizards in the world? I Know he is strong for his visible age, and while he has spent fifty years in the time loop, I imagine there are many mages older than him with equivalent experience. Ok I guess thats all I got for now forgot my other question. Thanks.


1. Oganj is both very ancient and a dragon mage. Nobody actually knows where his lair is (except Zach). 2. Yes.


Questions, from the roleplay of your world I'm doing. 1. Can a mage use the mana of another mage? Could Zorian use Zach's mana? Would this have any shaping or health issues? 2. What sort of high tier spells can master conjurers cast? What sort of low tier spells? In the long run, when you do worldbuilding posts this is something I'm curious about, the types of spells people can do at different skill levels. 3. Thanks for being an awesome author.


1. No they can't. It would be just as bad as using ambient mana, in addition to being even harder to control (because the mana is attuned to someone, and it isn't you). 2. High tier conjurations would be various animated spell constructs (pseudo-summons that don't actually call a spirit to work), powerful defensive spells (solid barriers of varied qualities) and restraint spells. Low tier would be opaque screens and ectoplasmic fog to serve as visual obstacles, simple conjured objects and rudimentary obstacles/traps. 3. Thanks!