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Here is something special, silly, and possibly quite stupid for you guys. An AU chapter for Mother of Learning! Here:



That's right, I made fanfiction for my own story! Not gonna lie, I made this mostly as a way to draw attention to the book sale on Amazon, but I honestly enjoyed writing it, and I think some of you might enjoy reading it.

Anyway, I hope you are all pleasantly surprised and that you find it at least a little bit interesting or amusing.



Yoooooooo, this is cool as hell!


Anything MoL is always welcome. Thanks for writing it!


Are there spoilers there?


Ooo! This is fun! Dang, having Akoja in the story would be crazy. Though also a bit more light novel-y in some ways. One idea you might want to write would be if Kirielle got caught into the loop - I was imagining it as Zorian's soul being loose right as he loops, spending several restarts dead to the world like Zach did, just not knowing about it. So Kirielle would live a month with a comatose Zorian, being left at their home village while his parents leave, where she then loops after that, completely unaware of what happened. Perhaps she tries to discover what happened to Zorian, who then wakes up on his own. (I was considering writing this as a fanfic, but I don't have nearly enough experience to do so.) I really want to see Kirielle learning magic. Another idea is Zorian polymorphing as an Aranea. Or perhaps the Cyorian web had just Spear of Resolve survive. Or perhaps just Novelty. There are a lot of fun things you could do. I wonder if anyone else wrote any good MoL fanfic... (Someone else also mentioned a female Zach story. That would be a fun story.)


Kirielle as the looper would be a fun idea, though ideally I'd like a set-up that would be likely to draw her into the time loop. I'm struggling to think of a mechanism that would plausibly suck her in. Of course, for real fanfiction, that is just a small issues that can be waved away for the sake of the set-up...


You know, I think I would prefer a short sequel?/side story but from Akojas POV. With some timeskips we could still see Kirriele become a prodigy mage (without getting a child regularly m*rdered) Also continuation of the Quatach-Ichl and the dragon mage situation, with throwing Zach at it is as well because of course he would. There is the investigator to troll and feed your enemies to. Also Zorian. Duh. I guess he would start building a secret base and a organization? He does have a lot of knowledge regarding shadowy organizations (and contacts) from cultists minds There is even Damien and families drama to throw sticks at. Bunch of other things too Like aftermath SoL. Eldemarian politics and nobles maybe. Massive dragon flight/storm/group gathering up. An intercontinental gate. Yeah and that fucking primordial(not for this tho).


Oof. I think Akoja as the 4th looper would be terrible. Kirielle would honestly be a better choice for how much positive benefits she can help Zorian with, not to mention all the character growth and maturing that can happen over the course of decades of looping. Still, this is in the end just fanfiction, and the idea in itself is still fun to consider. For more entertainment, maybe setup a poll for which character people would like to see included within the loop the most.


Kirielle would be an interesting addition to the time loop, certainly. I still don't think there is an easy way to include her, but maybe I can just side-step that by making a chapter when she has already been turned into a time looper without ever explaining how. I don't think I'm going to set up a poll, in all honesty, especially since I don't want to limit myself to just chapters with alternate/additional loopers... but I'm definitely reading all the responses and taking note of what people find interesting.


dang, i would love to read this zorian, akoja, and zach version of MOL. as for pulling kirielle into the loop early, i'm also at a loss. the other person's idea of zorian's soul being loose is clever though. that said, zorian in the first loop would have a very difficult time taking care of kirielle, meanwhile focusing on "solving the loop situation". the other solution they mentioned, where kirielle joins the loop after coming to cyoria, might work better. i'd wait a few loops where things go more or less normally. then, in one loop, zorian makes a mistake with information and quatach-ichl finds him at imaya's and does the "mangled soul" spell with kirielle.


First, I know people have said it a million times but congratulations on your first official release. Mother of Learning is one of my favorite stories, and I’m very open to the idea of any independent works. However, if I’m being honest, I’m not the biggest fan of this first installment. First, I like Ako, but I don’t think her inclusion added anything interesting here. And, I just can’t see that changing moving forward (especially compared to other side characters). I just think she’s a side character that works best as a side character. I personally think this concept would be really cool to explore with side characters like Tinami or Raynie. I think they have a lot more potential to bring out more interesting reactions from Zorian. Aside from Kirielle (who everyone has suggested) or a character who already had some exposure to the loop. Granted, I’m sure any suggestion I could make will be met with the same criticism of “there’s no good way to get them into the loop”. But, in the nature of it being a fanfic, I don’t think that should be an issue. When it comes to fanfics, I think the main point is to just write interesting non canon scenarios. The only thing I think people are critical of is if the characters still feel like the original characters (unless there’s an explanation for their changes). Like I said, I love the idea of independent releases. It opens the door to a well spring of opportunities. Not just non canon ones either (prequels detailing the wars, epilogues, non canon side stories). And, I’m here for whatever you plan to do while I wait for the subsequent book releases on Amazon.


This is cannon now, deal with it! :-)


what does AU means?


I'd like to see an AU where Seeker of Novelty gets pulled in and teams up with Zach instead of Zorian.

Thomas Brusilovsky

Ah yes, the AU where zorian and akoja both get mind controlled by red robe 2 chapters later


Well, keep in mind that Jornak is not mindlessly hostile. If he doesn't think Zorian and Akoja are a threat to him, he might not resort of things like mind control. Though it's definitely true he would take notice of them quickly and observe them to see what their attitudes are, how fast they're developing, etc.


I just reread the end of chapter 71 and now I want an AU of Taiven joining the time loop. Perhaps she doesn't have much special in comparison to Zach, but I like her dynamic with Zorian. And she's pretty plausible. (Though it's actually pretty surprising how so far, Akoja's entrance to the loop was the most plausible, even if she over anyone else leads immediately to a bad ending.)


I wondered a few times who would be the most likely person to replace Zorian as the third time looper, often when someone else mentioned the idea. My conclusions was that Akoja was the most likely one to do so, since she was right there in the scene where Zorian gets included in the time loop. So for the first AU chapter, I decided to tackle this scenario, because I find it pretty interesting. But instead of having Akoja there instead of Zorian, I made her a fourth looper. :) I agree that Taiven and Zorian have an interesting dynamic. Though Taiven would kind of step on Zach's toes in regards to her interests and magic specialties. He does everything she does, but better, and it would be hard for her to match him or surpass him. Would be interesting to think about how she would differentiate herself from him.


Different type of AU idea from all the added loopers. What if the restart after Zach first taught Zorian some combat stuff and Zorian was hiding from Zach, Zorian actually confessed after Zach pestered him at the beginning. Or, perhaps, just confessed in the prior loop at the first meeting -- or perhaps Zach deduces it somehow. You could also write a single chapter of a bunch of super short dumb reveals where Red Robe is actually one of a set of random people, progressively getting more ridiculous. First it's Veyers. Then it's Zach. Then it's actually Xvim or Alanic. Then it's Quatach Ichl. Then it's Silverlake. Then it's Taiven. Then it's Kirielle. Then it's another version of Zorian. Each as separate tiny AUs, all done quickly in one chapter. I will say, it can be a bit difficult coming up with AU ideas because the original story is so well crafted there's little to actually want a fanfic out of. After all, me wanting more Kirielle learning magic with an obnoxious (ly powerful) older brother really makes more sense as a sequel probably as a slice of life in a different genre. Everything else I want is tiny omakes or fanfiction-y what ifs. Not actual story changes or fix its or anything I'd prefer over the original in anyway. Being so well written and tightly plotted means it's very difficult to write a fanfic of this, even if very detailed world building often pushes against that difficulty. There's a reason this fic has remained my top favorite story of all time for quite a long time, despite some good attempts to top it. (I'm looking at you, Cradle.)


Somebody already made a fanfic about the various Red Robe reveals. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13172895/1/Mother-of-Endings-Red-Robe-s-Unmasking


Took me some time to get to it. That sounds interesting. For some reason I thought it would Taiven looper. I really feel bad for her not being able to catch up to Zach and Zorian due to loop shenanigans and her style is really practice oriented. Also, offtopic, did you hear anything about Wrath of the Righteous video game? It's not loop story or anything, but Aeon and Lich Mythic Paths in that game remind of MoL a lot.


I heard about Wrath of the Righteous game, but never played it. I do intend to at least look up some gameplay videos about it at some point, if not outright play it.


Just keep in mind, that while it is ridiculously addictive (in my opinion) and replayable due to Paths there are still patches rolling out every other week. Unless you are tolerant of some jank, the future Definitive Edition is likely going to be the best deal by far (plus more mods). 😅


Yeah, I'll probably wait until trying it out. Not like I don't have plenty of things to try that are already finished. I never did play Pillars of Eternity, for instance, and I'm told those are pretty awesome games.

Mr R

AU ideas (WIP): 1) Zach and Zorian do a serious dungeon dive. There they discover 1.1) A titanic cavern hosting entire civilisations. 1.2) The last bastion of Morloch kind: a city built from a terrifying beast, whose bonds have been gradually breaking over the years. 1.3) Any of the other neat dungeon stuff you never put into the story but included on your blog. 2) Jornak wins at the end and we get to see the angels put the fear of the Gods back into men. 3) Zorian messes up some mind magic spell and screws his brain up 3.1) He acts more like previous time loopers i.e. a selfish jerk and manages to corrupt Zach at the end as well. They then get put on the angels' hit list and we get to see them fighting against the heavens. 3.2) Zorian just messes up his mind flat out, and Zach gets the aranea to help fix him. Unfortunately, they can't put him back together quite right and Zorian has some spider instincts left over. 3.3) Zorian winds up majorly enhancing his mind and finds that its great! He doesn't know what he was worried about. In fact, it is so great that he just has to share his enlightenment with other people. Zach is then forced to hide from the transhuman horde. He was consider allying with Quatach Ichl, but unfortunately Zorian got to him first. The aranea were, of course, delighted by the offers to improve their mind magic (after some persuasion) and are linking up to form a giant gestalt intelligence. The month is nearing its end, and the only being that can deal with a superintelligence is another superintelligence. Hard times call for hard measures, and maybe a Primordial isn't looking so bad right now. 3.3.1) The Primordial isn't the only superintelligence that existed on Ersetu: that's right, the crabs noticed that their siblings from back home have started to grow up and are coming to lay down the claw. 4) Zach is crushed by falling rocks before the Gate can be fired up and the angels scramble for a replacement looper and settle on Alanic (or maybe Xvim. He doesn't know much soul magic, right?) 5) A crossover with Zenith of Sorcery. Maybe the angel summoning goes wrong and Zorian winds up with Marcus instead (turbocharged with all the energy he needs to go against a giant demon centaur thing).


I liked Pillars of Eternity 1 as a combat encounter focused game (like old Baldur's Gate 1) with a bit shallower writing. The sequel has very cool and vibrant colonial setting, but has its own issues. Tyranny on the other hand is quite a game with unique story premise and spell mechanics for its price and length... Yeah, not enough time in the world for all the best art.


Just want to say well done! These ideas are ridiculously creative and interesting, maybe you should write your own fan fiction!

Adrien Matricon

Time for the typo squad to get back to work! - "he was no longer bleeding and the [paid] had dulled to a manageable throb." => [pain] - also 4 mentions of "Ako" instead of "Akoja" but those might be on purpose (though the one outside of a dialog probably isn't)


Ah, typos. My old enemy... Yeah, Ako is deliberate. It's her nickname. And yeah, the one outside of dialogue is a mistake, even if it isn't a typo as such.


AU pitch: Zach (somehow) goads Zorian into dating all the girls at once. The chapter is a gossip session of all the ladies talking about their dates with Zorian, ending with a vote on what to do about the lothario.