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Mother of Learning Chapter 38: Return to Cyoria, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

Return to Cyoria Zorian's previous experiences with riding the train to Cyoria alongside Kirielle hadn't been very encouraging. She always started excited and curious, staring intently at the passing landscape and commenting on anything that caught her interest, but that didn't last very long.



At this point, I can't help but think...either Xvim is screwing with Zorian because he's that much of a crotchety old bastard, or he's a super duper archmage with near limitless power. Take your bets ladies and gentlemen! Of course, I'm also wondering what red robe's up to....This does not bode well. Dun Dun Dunnn. Fantastic chapter, as always, and I've really really been looking forward to seeing Zorian back in Cyoria. This is even better than I'd hoped. So many loose ends and supposedly minor bits of storytelling to tie together, hnng. I do want to see Ilsa and teacher interactions with Zorian after all he's gone through, that'll be...interesting.


Xvim is really crotchety in general. I'm sure he has some purpose but the way he screws with Zorian is hilarious. We don't even know what he teaches as far as I know. Maybe he teaches something like history of art and doesn't actually know any magic, other than mana charging marbles? I don't think we've ever actually seen him cast a spell.


I have two issues with this chapter: 1. "but getting into the habit of casually invading the minds of everyone around him struck him as a bad idea" Considering his situation, this is EXACTLY what he needs to do all the time, to acquire information about the situation. 2. The "forgetting" issue. I don't actually remember if it was mentioned or not, but considering how much value Mages put into information, shouldn't memory training (with techniques like the Memory Palace) be 1st year stuff, the basics of creating a structure on which to build all the magical knowledge that will need to be accessible for the whole life of the mage?


1. Most people don't have any relevant information, and even if they did there is no guarantee they're currently thinking about it. But mostly its a matter of Zorian considering such behavior immoral - he isn't willing to invade other people's thoughts unless he has a reason to. 2. Mages do get memory training. You'll notice that Zorian can remember huge amounts of information very reliably. There is only so much training your memory can do, though.


I personally don't think asking the author questions regarding Zor's memory was a good idea. There goes my brilliant theory that red robe intentionally left cyoria alone but placed a city-wide soul disrupting memory wipe trap that will slowly poison his soul throughout loops. Thank you for the story.


Thanks for the update, eagerly awaiting the next installment. Xvim still my favorite supporting character.


Sorry. I try not to release any spoilers, I really do, but it's impossible to interact with my readers without unintentionally disproving a few theories.


And I eagerly write it! I must say I'm kind of amused/mystified by the amount of love Xvim gets from the readers, considering his portrayal has not been especially flattering.


Gandalf is an ass? Truly, he is the most mysterious character. He has lots of screen time yet his personally has not developed much. Truly mysterious. A sudden revelation in the making? Also this chapter is the first he didn't mention what a failure the modern mages are! (Or the curriculum of the school he earns from). That adds even more to the mystery!


did you read the books that Gandalf appear... have you see how all the no importance characters react to him and how he acts to normal people... yes he is a ass a lovely one but still a bit of a ass