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In more positive news, my fans have been very productive recently.

First of all, three people have started audiobook/readings of Mother of Learning. 

First, FunnyMan has made a reading of Mother of Learning. The first three chapters are done at the moment.

Jack Voraces has made an audiobook of Mother of Learning. As of my posting this, the first seven chapters have been made.

Agro Squerrils (Aspiring Audiobookologist) has made a MoL audiobook as well. The first 27 (!) chapters are done as of now. I have to say, he works pretty fast.

EDIT: Thanks to Bryan alerting me, I realized there is a fourth person doing MoL readings - John Gilmore. He's at chapter 99, so pretty much at the end of available content. You can find the reading here.

Aside from those,  Nvidia14 has drawn a fanart of Quatach-Ichl. You can see it here

Finally, I have a new MoL map, posted on my Deviantart account. You can find it here



If you are advertising people who have done readings John Gilmore is pretty much up to date. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqzaEaXT1reNb_FCxDOk7LZHj00tiouY7


Thanks for that. I actually knew about that, but it slipped my mind. I'll add it in now.


After sampling each of them, I think Jack Voraces is my favorite narrator in this list.


Does the map have a key, or what continents which, that I'm not seeing?


No key, no. Since I have already posted other versions of the world map before, and I figured most things were self-explanatory. Do you think the map needs it? In any case, the top left continent is Altazia, where the story is mostly happening. In the top right is Hsan, which is inhabited by humans, but mostly irrelevant to the story. The center continent is Miasina, with its distinctive north and south half divide. To the left and right of Miasina are two halves of Blantyrre, the equatorial continent inhabited by lizardmen. Lastly, the southernmost continent is Oreina – the cold, distant place that humans know very little about. Tell me if something more is necessary.


I actually just started my subscription to your patreon so I hadn't seen any of the other maps. Your description is plenty good I just didnt have any idea where to start. I was about to ask where Ibasan was and decided to check the map to see if I could figure it out, when I saw the multitude of maps right underneath it. Sorry bout that.


Refresh refresh refresh... getting excited. Thanks for all the great work. This chapter I expect will be an eventful one.