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Well, this is another level of failure for me, but I'm going to have to delay the chapter again, this time by 2 days. I'm having an issue with the chapter and I need more time to finish it. In general, the chapters are getting harder and harder to write as we get closer to the end. I want to get it right, and I have less wiggle room because the story has to start converging towards the ending in a satisfying manner.

Yeah. Two more days.



Take your time. We are all patient people here.


Take your time mate, we all want your best, especially as the ending approaches.


Yeah, kind of a prerequisite to be one of my readers, sadly. Oh well, at least it has gotten better from how it was at the start of the story. Some of the initial chapters took almost two months to write and had several multi-week delays involved. Edit: It still kind of pains me when I remember that I had plans to shorten the update schedule to two weeks at one time, and not only did I never succeed at that, I often end up delaying the updates.


And this is why I veto'd the last delay in the first place. Any delay just leads to kicking the can down the road. And we haven't even agreed on any of the details.


It's only natural, since Kurmaic hasn't found a deal that works. Perhaps the readership deserves a second vote…


Given the chapter length, quality and complexity of your writing, it's seriously impressive that you manage a monthly cadence at all. Please don't give yourself a hard time, no one wants you to rush a chapter out when you're not happy with it (or if it would interfere with your life to do so)!


Fourth this. Quality over quantity. I for one love this story and I want you to be able to make it as great as you can.


FML, I voted for delay as a joke. What was I thinking? I didn't really even realize what the vote was about . . .


This is not a failure! Come on man, we are grateful that you want to do it properly rather than just vomit words and post them ;) you are doing great and even though we are all dying of suspense, take the time you need!


If you are not able to finish chapters at the given time, why not give yourself more time to write from the beginning and not move the deadline? When I work on my personal/work projects, I think it is important to respect my own deadline, but if the deadline does not work, it is important to take that into consideration during the next estimate. Just IMHO, I don't want you to feel like you are failing every time you need to delay a chapter :/

Mihai Popescu

Estimates in creative work are guaranteed to be inaccurate. As long as you don't disappear and leave us hanging with an unfinished story it's all good. The updates are great though, thanks for letting everyone know.


Because of the way I write the story, giving myself more time would almost certainly be a mistake. The problem with my writing is not that I literally do not have time to type out the chapter - the problem is that I get 'attacks of inspiration' during which I write out most of the story, and they tend to come to me most often as the deadline approaches. Giving myself another week or two between chapters would just lead to wasted time, and may very well *still* result in a delay in the end.

Nicholas Guyett

I'd rather wait longer for the right chapter than get a rushed chapter sooner.


I really don't think this delay is significant, relative to the quality of the final chapters. People are going to enjoy this fantastic story years from now. We are just a small fraction of the lucky people to read the story. Therefore, IMHO it is hugely more important for the final chapters to be as good as you can make them.


Take your time. I would rather get a delay than a chapter you are not happy with.


Any discontent I feel about the delay is really just an example of how excited I am about this story. I'd much rather be a little miffed at a delay than miffed because you rushed it to meet a deadline. Take your time.


Seriously, this amount of communication and transparency for, say, a startup tech company would be really refreshing. Donagoj should consider a career in public relations. 😂