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A new chapter is here! I apologize for being a little late, but at least no multi-day delay was necessary this time. Progress!

On less happy news, the changes to the way Patreon charges fees has really hit some of my patrons hard. I do not begrudge anyone who has decided to revoke their support because of it, so no worries about that. I haven't decided what, if anything, to do about that though. Some have suggested alternative methods of donating, most notably through Paypal. If any of you has some thoughts on this, please speak up or send me a message.

That aside, I also want to thank everyone who has chosen to keep supporting me through Patreon regardless. You guys are awesome.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the new chapter.


Mother of Learning Chapter 78: Grinding Stone, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

Airships were not held in very high regard among people who cared about such things. The idea of a flying vessel was something that had captivated mankind since time immemorial, of course, but every concrete design for such a vessel had been disappointing.


Satya Prateek

Thanks for the chapter, I personally have no attachment for Patreon, so would be okay with any mechanism you use. As for the chapter that description of Zorian going dark, gave me the shivers. Ughh


Nice to get a time skip at the end. I hope we have more action and less grind coming up.


I would love to give you more money, not patreon. Maybe you could use flattr or paypal or something?


Domagoj I will be changing my donation it will be $32 next month ( which is the cost of a book in store) and then Councle. I trust that you will finish the book in a timely manner . My eldest son read it and got me and 2 of his brothers reading it the youngest is just leaving primary school the oldest at Uni and Dad. All enjoying and discussing. Happy to support you in buying the book. All the best for this year and next


You should check out steemit.com, many authors on there posting chapters of their books and earning quite well


Same as above. Would be happy to support in another fashion.


What changed with fees? I didn't notice anything weird...

Lars Huluk

I cancelled my subscription for now, but I'd love to make a transfer via SEPA, or Paypal.


They are charging patrons processing fees. It used to be these were paid by the creators, not it's the patrons that do so. Most problematically, these fees include a 0.35$ fixed sum, which hits 1$ donors pretty hard. It now makes more sense to donate a one lump sum and then cancel support then it does to support a creator over larger stretches of time through smaller donations.

Adrien Matricon

I think I spotted a typo: "which mead the idea" should be "which made the idea"


Domagoj. I have been trying to change my patron amount to $32 As I mentioned last post but Patron will only allow a $1. Can you set patron to accept larger amounts that a $1 as I would like to send you a 1 off payment Will


It's definitely possible to give me more than 1$. A few people donate 5, or even 10 dollars. And I have received one-time lump sums in the past that were even higher than 32$. So this must be something on your end, I think.


OK will try to sort my end Tks really enjoying the book. Happy to support you as long as you get it


I have sorted it now my end sort of had to delete pledge then start from beginning to get to change amount good luck Will

Ulrich Plchdrť

Do you consider cryptocurrency donations? (Litecoin/Ethereum/...) ?


No, sorry, I'm completely ignorant about the topic and couldn't possibly evaluate any such gains.


It looks like Patreon reversed their decision! Woohoo!


Yeah. I'll probably still open a Paypal account to give people an alternative in the future, but this is still very nice.


If you do, let me know. I'd rather get you all the money than have any of it go to patreon.