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Hi guys.

With version 4 is out it's time to sum up our results and share the plans. 

Project team

  • the worst news is pToon-T is no longer a project lead artist. Due to burnout, personal & health issues he is no longer drawing stuff or even sketches - this was more or less an issue within this whole year (with some notable exceptions like Kelly's scene), but the last couple of months any project work just stopped from his side. I can't express how hard this hits the project, but we have what we have. I hope things will change at some point and pToon-T returns to working over the project, but I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future. Yeah, shit happens and we need to find how to live with that.
  • Anton is our lead artist now - he worked with us for a couple of years and finally got enough skills to draw arts himself. Grocery shop and new Vault locations, gym comics, Lana & Tommy (currently in progress of animation), new Tuna threesome and upcoming Lana & Casey scenes are his latest works. And I hope we'll see more of his cool works soon.
  • Bad news Anton caught covid last week. His health seems stable and I hope he's going back on his feet soon.
  • One more helping artist is there (the guy who did Casey cleaning drawing and Casey Halloween stuff) - I plan to use his help mainly for simpler comics stuff and the rework of Casey & Sam scene into the first gym scene (this will allow us to add all stuff we have prepared for gym and open new interactions and stats).
  • After Anton fully recovers I want to give it a try and find one more regular artist, so Anton could patronize him (just like pToon-T did for Anton in the past)
  • We've got Wesley the writer on the project - this is important because I think it will help me to speed up updates significantly (more about this below in plans)

General Plans & Updates

  • I've got a positive reply from the girl I want to be Jackie's voice - we agreed on her doing voicing for Jackie's scene and some extra phrases for her character. All this suppose to happen in December
  • Vault animation is fully done as well as a music track for prospering Vault - none of this will be used directly in the upcoming version, but I'll share some details later on within this week (I plan to make a video cut to show you how Vault will look like at max popularity)
  • We're close to finishing Lana & Jack (or ahem... better say Lana & Tommy) animations - this is a huge amount of stuff that suppose to cover 4 different situations: Lana & Jack hot video talks; Lana & Jack + Tommy hot video talks; Jack has no time, so Lana stays with Tommy; Casey catches up Tommy over sleeping Lana in the middle of the night. We will be releasing this in parts, as some of the lines and visuals has no connection to the others (and assuming the amount of content there is no reason to keep you waiting for all 4 at a time).
  • I've heard you about the lack of hardcore, so we will do some changes in our planned scenes (BtS poll will be added today)

What's coming next (spoilers)

  • First, we're working over scripts for Jack & Lana animations (I want to start on it even before every animation is done). I estimate that the first takes on this scene will be released next week.
  • Secondly, we work over Jackie's bet event that includes recently released Jackie's scene - a lot of content including some basic design for Lana occasionally work at Grocery. With the help of our new content writer things are moving smoothly and I expect development version 5.0 to be out for 10$+ patrons around the end of next week. I doubt that it will have mini-comics for Lana working at the grocery (we haven't designed any yet :D), but I'll try to make some arts for one of the iterations of 5.x development update. 

That's all for the news and our short-term goals. I hope you enjoyed version 4 as much as I did create it.



Well, what can I say ... Yes, when a team member leaves the team, the work goes to a standstill, I'm glad that you now have Anton. I wish him a speedy recovery!


Sorry to hear about your artists’ health issues hope everyone is okay. With ptoon leaving do you expect the art style to dramatically change?


Oof, the lead artist no less. Hope it doesn't hit the project that hard. Best wishes to Anton and his recovery.


pToon-T isn't leaving, but... it's a bit complicated... he's not making arts for now. No, I don't expect dramatic art style changes - as I mentioned last scenes were done pretty much in line with our art style by Anton


thank you. Yeah I'm glad too, it's good that we can continue our journey into Casey's story.


You guys are doing a fantastic job with frequent updates/scenes even considering some of the setbacks losing a lead artist causes. Hope Anton has a swift recovery! Keep up the great work all leave2gether dev members <3


That hits hard, but Antons scenes look great, so I guess he is more than ready to take over as lead artist :)

Puffin Vid (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-24 19:28:55 That's right, ups and downs. The important thing is that I continue to believe in the potential. Will recover very well, Anton <3 ! And a big hug to the team.
2021-11-24 01:20:15 That's right, ups and downs. The important thing is that I continue to believe in the potential. Will recover very well, Anton <3 ! And a big hug to the team.

That's right, ups and downs. The important thing is that I continue to believe in the potential. Will recover very well, Anton <3 ! And a big hug to the team.