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Oh sorry for spoilers, but I couldn't hold myself and stay away from posting images of how it started and ended :D Love U everyone, please don't hate me for this!

Scene is available for 5$+ patrons here <click>  

Jackie looks like a sweet girl at the start, but the devil is in the details. I hope you'll enjoy the characters as well.

The scene contains 2 variants with different endings, looks, and differences in sequences. 




What saddens me is we did not make Jackie's voicing. I've emailed the girl who I want to be Jackie's voice, but so far got no answer.

Puffin Vid

I'm speechless to describe this wonderful scene! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Great scene!!


You don’t really notice how much the voices music and sounds add to the immersion and tone of the scenes.. It’s stunning visually as usual, really smooth animation work :) hopefully you find her a voice, fingers crossed anyway.


Have you considered finding voice actors for the male characters as well? While the subject is relevant :)


Thank you! For male characters - yes and no. Yes, I was doing a quick look without any result, and 'no' in the meaning that I did not really dedicate much time to this (just an example that "looking for girl's voice and references, doing voice description" and "assembling all video loops, instructions, task descriptions" for voicing task literally takes days of work, not to mention reviewing and editing results so they can be applied to visual with 99% accuracy.)


I was interested to hear Toby's voice, but in my head he sounds a bit tender / teenage like, so I did not make any progress finding the right voice. Do you have an idea of the voice that might suit a male character in the game?


I think you’re right about Toby’s voice being kind of like an awkward, shy embarrassed teenage type character. HiJenxVO on Twitter has a demo reel which has a voice in it I think is perfect for tobi imo if you’re ever interested going down a male voiced route you can check him out :)


And since Otto is kinda the male on display here first thing that comes to mind in terms of voice and character design would have to be “Bentley” from sly cooper. I could see Otto having a slightly nasally and stern voice as you’ve written him as a dominant boss archetype character who plays into Jackie’s submissive character.