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The updated scene is available at the pinned post for 5$+ patrons <here>.
If you played it before, I highly recommend giving it a second shot to see what scene quality we are aiming for (well, and *explicit parts of the scene* voiced amazingly :P )

Sadly Toby doesn't find his voice yet.




Creator: "Sadly Toby doesn't find his voice yet." Me: "Aw, cat's got ya tongue?"


This game is absolute trash. Anytime you earn enough money, Lana spends all of it on snacks that literally only last a day. Who in their right mind makes that a thing? Can hold on to all the coffee in the world, yet can't save 80 credits of food for more than 24 hrs. The dumbest thing I Have ever come across in a game. Lana shouldn't even be allowed to spend anything CASEY works for. She literally contributes NOTHING


hi. Sorry you've got this bad experience. The girls being poor and Casey vs Tuna conflict is a base for initial story plot as well as some events planned on girls being poor and need to find a way to get quick money later on


Can't wait to play, are there going to be scenes between Arnie and Casey soon?


hi. We don't have Arnie and Casey scenes planned for the nearest updates, but we will definitely have something with them later on


I understand what you mean, it is very frustrating to see how hard it is to accumulate money. But honestly, what do you need it for right now? It's not like in act 1 where you needed large amounts of money for end-game items. Today you only need the money for food, so if you can forget about buying it, I think it's fine. Tomorrow when you need to accumulate a lot more for other objectives, adjustments will surely be made. To consider the game garbage for that, I think it's a mistake, but that's my opinion. Act 2 is still being born and you have to be patient, those who don't want to don't have to play it.