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Hi guys,

first of all, I'm sorry for letting down every one of you who was looking for a dev version this week - it's not going to happen. I'll put more details 'why' below.

About recent updates in short: Right now I'm spending most of my time every day setting up things for dev update, but there are lots of structural changes both including the current update and the previous ones (I mean I need completely change how keys for Vault Competition worked as well as some other Vault-related events). I've been under heavy stress the last couple of weeks with this update, and it got worse realizing I'm not giving you any content updates (because coding takes all my time and attention) AND I can't finish the dev update in time to ground that this delay happened for a reason. So my point is - if I can't finish and post the dev update today, I better spend today's time doing something I can post and finish. So I'll spend the whole today adding audio for Casey & Toby scene and release that scene today. I think this is the right decision, as posting updates will give me some relief and a feeling of accomplishment.

Okay, about the problem with this update: What we're doing now is a big change of Vault from an empty place to a place with visible (and clickable!) patrons. This change will give us story-related instruments to interact with patrons directly, bringing more stuff as we add patrons as Vault popularity goes up. The side effect is it takes a lot of changes to existing story coding (remember that 'Toby is sitting alone' dialog was triggered by Casey when doing her main shift - now this will change into Toby actually sitting alone after Casey's shift is done and before she finishes up her working day she can now go speak to Toby and trigger her actions with him. The same started for "tuna threesome" is not a dialog option anymore - but the player will actually see Tuna & Arnie sitting at the bar at the end of Casey's shift and clicking them starts the event) - despite it sounds like a small change it needs whole lots of story keys being changed and tested. And all this is in addition to the 'Vault Special' story that happens after Vault Competition. This change is not only about coding stuff, but we're actively re-drawing the Vault and drawing the guest - I'm looking forward to updated Vault and visible & clickable Toby, Arnie, and Dough already in the final release of v4. (in the dev update they will be represented by black boxes with names).

I know all these delays don't look good from your point of view, but trust me that we will roll out lots of stuff in the coming dev update including new scenes, lots of old voiced scenes, music, better mechanics.

P.S. Some Foxy (working name, feel free to propose yours) sketches are added. We've already clarified concepts for her outfits and I'll be posting new stuff as I see it myself.




Take your time man. I personally would want something pushed back in order for it to be at a releasable state rather then a rushed and buggy mess. Also for the Foxy lass name, I propose Lucy or Miari


I think Cleopatra or cleo for short is a nice name


There are plenty of devs who offer no updates or apologies for delays and take patrons money anyway. Your track record has been great and this game has come a LONG way (been a patron since the only scene was Casey/Ram in the bathroom) and thats why I continue to support the project. Take your time and release great updates. P.S. my vote for the name is Roxy the Foxy lol


Mental health > Rushed release please take your time. Sure everybody wants to play the game but its also about you guys having fun creating it :) passion really shows in the results, so why not taking a week off to clear your head or something like that


Fox lady could simply be called Red 😜 Take your time with the game mate, it's always worth the wait!


Austin power joke name would be fun


I think you should go with krystal

Alrick Christopher

So like how do i progress in this game without wasting all my money on food because lanas a bad fridge friend


The girls being poor and Casey vs Tuna conflict is a base for initial story plot as well as some events planned on girls being poor and need to find a way to get quick money later on. Also if Casey keeps improving Vault's popularity she will get enough money for her basic needs


I'm a big fan of Krystal and it was the first adult RPG I ever played. Yeah, I remember I was so excited that I decided I will make one myself one day. About blonde princes and medieval war with orcs :D I do remember I had few story plots made for it, but then scrapped the whole idea


Would be great to have her in the game, but I'd rather continue with original characters rather than having some IP issues

Puffin Vid

Rest assured, the important thing is to make sure everything happens on time. We support you, and if we're to wait a little longer, striving for excellence and perfection, then it's worth it. And about the foxy, I loved all the clothes. I would like to see a clothing system working just like the old one.