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Things starting slow for Kelly but will go fast as soon as she feels comfortable with all three inside her.

Game version update: we are one week behind the schedule, but most of the text content is now ready. We're reviewing scripts and will soon start coding / adding it to the game. Current plan is to have development v3 and translation build by the end of next week. Sorry for delay.

P.S. Oh and Tuna's threesome scene will be included in the update as we extended & prepared story to include it.




Holy fuck🥵:-💦👅


She looks a bit scared, I cant wait haha


What was the story idea originally behind this scene?


it was an old story related to Casey getting promotion in act1. So I currently have no good idea for story taking place in this scene since this scene is not part of planned act2 update, and right now I'm too busy with v3 story-writing to make one for this scene


Hey i'm very happy to see this evolution of the game ( i mean design and story) but i think we can have a come back to boss from act1 and sam and others... i think this can be very cool (sorry for my english i'm french) have a good days :)


I reckon this is why Kelly hasn’t been seen in act2 yet. She’s still recovering!! 🤣

Phil Mjölnir

Well stuff like this could always be added in as "daydreams" of past events in caseys horny mind. :)


I can't wait for this scene


trust me you're saying this just because we don't have final assets for Kelly / or scene with new Kelly yet. She's amazing. Much cooler then she was before (except if you don't like her tits got bigger as that one might be different for different tastes, but we had plans to play over her tits a lot)


original story idea was following - initially we planned 2 routes for Casey - either become a Boss slut pet or actually become a manager and 'become a new Boss'. This scene was originally planned for second set of stories - Casey was gathering a meeting with all her VIP clients and asked Kelly to entertain few of them (probably some favor needed or such), so she can have their support getting to top manager position in the company