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First things first - we're working over another scene of Casey improving business around Vault. This time should include some lips work (I know the wording is bad/weird, but hey, we have a text censoring running here at Patreon). Casey is probably going to be dressed / half-dressed here. This is going to be the last scene from Vault scenes stories about Casey and Tuna for now. 

Next (long-term planning, after Vault stories are all done and released) we will need to do something between Lana & Casey and later planned a big set of Rex & Girls events (we have a huge story-debt for Rex stories, assuming he is a girl's landlord and girl's aren't paying the rent in time)

About v3 development progress:

Second is new version progress - I'm done with all new Lana content, everything added and tested. Took me longer than expected, but I guess this is why I should spend some time adding new content into the game right after releasing a scene, otherwise work over a new version turns into a huge snowball. 

Right now I'm working over Casey's Vault story update and Small Favor scene integration. I also added 'relations' mechanics into the game, so need to play with it for unlocking new game content.

I don't think TipForTip will be available in v3 outside of the gallery yet - as I mentioned before releasing multiple scenes created a huge story-debt and I better release v3 without Tuna's scene yet rather than spend few more weeks to have it integrated. Unless I'll get enlighten and will be able to write all needed scripts within just a few days.

The optimistic plan is to release a development & translation build by the end of March. After that I'll get back to work on some side scene (probably the one with Kelly, as it will not need supporting story development and animations should be ready by that time) while main bug-testing and translations are done and later will release v3 with nice translations & such




Toby’s in for a treat!


So the kelly scene is coming? :D


Hey question, i am a patreon member with you and a couple of other artist. But i really start to notice that your progres of work is pretty slow. not hating or anything but really in the time i've seen you work and then compared to a couple of other artist it is really slow and that is kinda sad. your games is sooo good man, and i understand everyone has a life. But it is starting to bug me now a little. Hope you take this seriously and put some more power in your project because you get paid for it and it is just not showing enough. Still a loyal fan and hope you will be well. With kind regards, Frank


hi, Frank. It is true, I posted about this issue some time ago. It is not about spending less time working over project, but our artists can't produce enough good-quality assets in time (burn out, lockdowns & stresses, illnesses and many more stuff that negatively affects creativity). I'm taking this very seriously, but nothing I did trying to fix it in the past brought any significant result: hiring new artists did not work, adding payed trainings did not work, trying to add more freedom of creativity in order to fight 'burn out' did not work, paying more doesn't work as well. I don't have a solution at the moment and I can't start drawing myself again because 1) my skill deteriorated so much I can't even draw basic sketches myself; 2) I personally work full time on the project managing coding part, story part, all task descriptions and regular reviews both arts and animations. If things turn ugly enough to close the project (I hope it's not, but this might happen if we discuss all options) I'll notify patrons at least 3+ months beforehand. I mean those months we will keep making & sharing content, it's just that everyone are notified that after some point we might stop completely or slow down so much that you can only see some rare updates.


regarding this month slowdown - this is a kind of shitty thing that happens every time before next update is out. It would have happen even if we had no issues with new arts, because I need to spend huge amount of time on writing story and assembling everything into the game update - this process requires a lot of time and concentration and I can't really do much outside of this except of team work reviews. This time update to story is very big (which is kinda normal for early versions) and takes more time than usual


oh and thank you for loving the game :D We as a team and I personally trying to do maximum to keep it on high level. To be honest I love the game myself so much that I feel really disappointed that we can't implement all the ideas I have. My list of possible scenes & events takes like dozens of pages :/


not before v3 is out as development version and as a translation build


Hello, the thing is you guys have a real gem here. it is a really good game, one of the best i have come across so far so a big thumbs up guys!! <3 But with 2541 patreons and the diffrent tiers you have you kinda have a real big paycheck. now i know you gotta pay your coworkers but this kinda money is giving you too many options. there are so many people who are talanted and would want to make this. i see games with only for example 600 patreons who manage to make just as good a game. So how hard it may sound you gotta give the results of what we pay you man. Everyone has issues now with corona and other stuff. I believe in you and your team and this project. But the results are just not there and things need to change again maby to make it work. go ask around by other patreons perhaps and how they manage there projects and maby even work toghether. But however it is starting to really show that results are not there and that feels like we are cheated out of our money. Make us proud and go on man, this is a too good of a project to let go. With kind regards, Frank


Where do I download the full current version game?


I love what see. Also it's kinda weird seeing casey without boobs


yeah, that was a refined sketch (ready for scene drawing), probably her boobs were still on the way :/


sorry for very late reply - this topic is kinda hard for me, but I kept this notification active for myself to reply eventually. The thing is all this doesn't work the way it looks from the side. Current level of arts are too high to hire artists and expect that they will perform like pToon-T or at least only two times worse. 'Other talented guys' usually have their patreons too and they involved there full time - I proposed working with us or making a collaboration (like we can provide resources for animation of a cool looking scene of other artist), but nobody was actually interested, as every has their own niche and not looking to change it. If things were like "hey, you're a talented guy, I have some extra money, let's make cool new / old project together" everything were much easier. But what I see right now is making adult game is much harder (technically / man hours) and required skills are usually very high. Like VERY HIGH - for example I worked with 4 or 5 different animators and did animations myself - but current level of our animations are very good, I'd probably say it is somewhere among the top level of adult animations - and to achieve this result we're spending lots of money and time to improve the result - not to mention current animator was already a high-skilled animator when was hired and his skills improved significantly after few years doing adult animations with us


I hope this somehow clarifies things. As for "that feels like we are cheated out of our money" - well, there is not much I can do about it except making new content and releasing new version of the game. For example I can see (and I do every time) the drop in patrons shortly before the new version is out - this always happens because this time period before new version is released are usually the lowest-content time. But when new version is out people return - probably they play the game and think "well, this guy actually did something during those weeks we did not hear much from him. Probably did not cheat us all that much after all". And yes, I do chat with many guys from other successful patreon projects (and not that much successful too) including how they manage their projects - and everything is both unique / personal experience, but failures are similar. I can call on multiple projects that had a great start and failed because of the team issues - because when you have issues with core team members you can't just fix that by hiring someone else, it doesn't work that way