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NOTE: guys, for those of you who downloaded the game on the first day of release - you might need to re-download the last bug-fix if you get 'Sofa Scene' bugged.

Note2: Web version recommended for phones (using Puffin browser) can be found here on Newgrounds (since it takes really long to load from my blog): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200 

It works exactly as patreon version after you log in. Please let me know if this works as web version

We finally did it! Wow, this was a hard update - I had to learn a lot about coding and publishing own server, but now we have one with online patron's update from patreon api and database storing patron's savegames to the cloud. Yay!

What's new in this version:

  • game supports login with your patreon email (all in-game rewards (including patron's game version) are now provided this way). You can find more on this change here 
  • added cloud save / load option for patrons (yay! this is last time when you need to search for your old local save games using this guide). 
  • "Casey wants another promotion" quest starts from talking to Boss (need 60 relations with Boss and 45 career)
  • Casey at the gator party is now available as a dialogue option when you talk to Kelly after "Casey wants another promotion" is done. Need Casey to wear Personal Assistant outfit
  • Nikki at the gator party is now available as parallel event to 'Casey at the gator party'
  • 'Coach beach movie' event is now available - you need to talk to the Coach after "Casey wants another promotion" is done
  • All new events will lead to later part of "Fall of Casey" stories in the upcoming updates

Additional info:

  • You can find latest update to walkthrough here 
  • Cheats & gallery are now integrated into player tier and available for 10$+ patrons as in-game reward
  • We will publish a web version (probably hosted to newgrounds for faster loading speed) in a 1-2 days after this update is confirmed as bugs-free
  • For those of you who play the game using Standalone Flash Player I added guide section how to add game folder to Trusted Locations (need to do once) to allow it to connect via internet. You can find the guide at the bottom of this post  

Reminder:  this is patron's game release, but you need to log in to play v30. Otherwise it will play as public v28. Sharing of this game version is allowed. Public sharing of your patreon credentials will result into account blocked.




Will the saves prom previous versions work?


sure, but you still need to find your local saves now using this guide: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/faq-and-issues-14557306">https://www.patreon.com/posts/faq-and-issues-14557306</a>


Welp since we no longer receive an actual product as patron's besides a slightly newer version (only playable online) I'm pulling support. I enjoyed having the newest version offline on the go etc. But I guess this was the more beneficial route (for the creator). Either way I'm not paying a subscription fee monthly just to access an online version of the game I paid for. Peace guys enjoy whatever tf this is now I guess.

Wallace Trader

add me to the patreons email list please


Hi. Well, actually every iteration was a slightly newer version of the game (this is how fast updates work). I'm really hurt hearing you call me or this game 'tf' just because I added cloud save option for patrons - that was many times requested feature and now it is implemented


Hi, Wallace. I can see you were added automatically and you logged in. Do you still have an issue?


I'm unable to get the Coach and Tuna scene to show properly, it just gives me a white screen, and stops at midway through


i keep getting user not found


Your game works very badly, with many errors. I do not think this improves anything. Actually, I have been keeping my subscription for several months without being able to play decently. But I see that it is not something that is going to be solved.


yeh ehm i Cant connect with my Patreon email for some reason, im not quiet sure why, i have a hyphen in my email and it cant input that


It is not letting me sign in with my patreon email.


Hi, just wondering if im also added to the list as ive tried to log in and follow the steps to connect the game to the net. Seems the steps may be outdated though?


checking. Sorry for this, I will try to find out what is going wrong with your email as soon as I can


Hi, Mads. This is fixed now, you should be able to login. Yes, it had an issue with upper case characters in the email


It's a shame the game cannot remember the email, and requires it to be re-entered every time.


hi, Harry. We had a bug processing some emails on server side, but now it is fixed. Please try to log in again


hi, Miguel. Can you send me PM with specified bugs you refer to? I'm actually fixing most / all bugs found when new version is out - if there are still some left, right now is a good time to fix them as well

Adm Trd Ferg

It's not seeing my save files


locals from previous version? If you're playing exe file you need to place it right on the place of previous leave2gether.exe file (and replace it). In other cases you'll need to follow this guide to find old local save games and move them to new game: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/faq-and-issues-14557306">https://www.patreon.com/posts/faq-and-issues-14557306</a>

Adm Trd Ferg

Where is the cheat button?

Adm Trd Ferg

Now I got to play this thing with no cheat console from scratch?


if you logged in, you should see cheat console the same place it was before after you hit 'play'. Can you please confirm this?


can't click continue in web version because i cant scroll down to it


I really like the new cloud save and v30 has been great so far! can't wait te see what else you guys bring to the game in the future.


when do you think act 2 will be a thing?


random bug in the flash player where the office scanner bj scene kept looking the start of the animation and wouldn't go past 10/100 xD


did reloading game helped? I just checked this scene and wasn't able to reproduce Such an old scene, one of my very first bitmap drawings, lol


if things go well (and they don't yet) we will have some super early build with very few content around April - we will share it as development build for 10$+ patrons. I estimate more or less playable version around Summer, as we are doing everything from scratch now + support act1


hey, both girl on girl scenes (the ones for Billy) are bugged. The screen is completely blank, and even though you can see the dialogues, you're not able to go past 180


PS: Tried it again after restarting the game and it still happens


How long will it take you to add my account?


ive been getting a few bugs where the cheat just used stays on the screen always, the place map stays on my screen when i go to work, when i finished talking to kelly i cant move, and when i go into saves i cant exit as well.


i keep getting told im a former patreon but i have paid for this month?


what type of the game and from what OS are you using? This amount of bugs are very weird and I have never encountered them (more over I have no idea how to reproduce)


This Game is on 2 FPS the Version Bevor 30 FPS :/


Can't wait till work is over now 😏


Idk about everyone else but my game and cloud save worked perfectly and the new scenes were great! (Swf on mac)

J. LeClair

Mine works fine as well. Ran the test version as well as current.


Still can't log in..


Hi. What type of the game are you running (exe, swf in browser or swf in standalone flash player)? When you click on 'Connect' button do you get connected to the server? I tested with your account and it should work just fine


Cool! Everything goes smoothly for now! So many feels... I see the hard work you've put in the build. Thanks :)


The bug with the bathroom gator gang-bang not progressing past the "what about you" is still there. Question: could it be that the continuation buttons are being drawn off-screen?


how do i play this on a chromebook


i have a question about a walktrough were can we find an improved walktrough for the game and tricks and tips to get better trough the game


okay, here's hot it goes: Boss asks "What about me", and there are 2 options are available to choose on the bottom right quarter of the screen. Do you see those?


Hi. From what I can google, flash is not supported on Android. So probable solution is to install Puffin or the Photon browsers and open web page with game in browser (please try download swf version attached to this post, unpack it to folder and run html file in Puffin (it did not work for me on the phone however). If it doesn't work - open web page with game in Puffin (for example here it is on Newgrounds: <a href="https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200</a> )


Hi, Ruben. What do you mean as 'improved walkthrough'? Right now I'm updating my own walkthrough for every new version (I added links in this post: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/posts/8181664)">http://www.patreon.com/posts/8181664)</a>


Reporting a bug. The Couch Fun scenes are not appearing, just text bubble and it stops at 180/320. only way to leave it is to exit your current game.


I have a question about the installing the app on my android how does it work?


Which file is usable for your phone?


if you mean sofa funs - can you redownload game from this post (it was updated few times, last should have all issues resolved)


apk has too low fps, but we add it because some patrons asked for. Good way to play the game from android is to install Puffin browser and open game on the web page, like here: <a href="https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200</a>


apk has too low fps, but we add it because some patrons asked for. Good way to play the game from android is to install Puffin browser and open game on the web page, like here: <a href="https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200</a>


I still feel interested in the slave dress Casey. Is that to come soon?


I used the online version through V29, and now I can't access my save on V30 through the whole cloud setup.


What scene is the ‘sofa scene’ that was bugged?


Hi, Mike. I don't see you made any cloud save game so far. if you are talking about local saves - make sure you log in with your patreon account, because public game version is 28 and you can't load from game save with higher version (due to huge technical issues possible if this is allowed). Please let me know if this fixed your issue


Kelly &amp; Casey and Kelly &amp; Casey + Sam scene, where they are in the leisure room


Is there some sort of trick for getting kelly to go to the bar with you as i cant seem to get it to happen no matter what i try?


The thing is I have no idea how to use slave dress. I can added in the next update though, but I have no clear vision about it's influence on the game right now :(


it happens under 'Kelly Bored' event, when you find Kelly on the right from the elevator. You need to choose option to have some girl funs and specify that you refer to chat &amp; drink - in this case Casey will be able to meet Kelly at the Vault later


I think thats what i did (but maybe i screwed up) i got her to the vault but no matter which convosation path i choose it always ends in me getting her a taxi to send her home. I didnt know if maybe there were certain prerequisites that i hadn't met such as enough relationship with her or something?


When I try to connect with my Patreon email it says I am a former Patron. Any idea?


Hi, Ben Here's an update about Kelly &amp; Casey scene from walkthrough: Kelly &amp; Casey girl on girl #1 This scene is available only after you finish "Kelly conversation about titjob and code of conduct funnies" Get Kelly to go to the bar with you Get drunk Speak to Kelly and initiate any of 2 lines: join Kelly dancing or kiss her through Billy topic. Agree to go back to office with Kelly Enjoy the scene. This scene is opener for another future 'girl on girl' scene


hey for some reason the game won't load. i click on the game to play it all that happens is the window will open but it stays as a white screen the game just wont load


hi. Exe or swf? Did you unzip / unpack the game or do you try running it from inside of zip archive?


When I am trying to take Coach's test all 3 answers on question 5 lead to me losing? I can't go any further.


Which file runs best on a mac?


Hi, Correct answers are: C, C, C, C, A, B. (Extra spoiler: First question of the test is "I was always confused how you terrans can be such a smart species with such a small heads")


hi. As far as I know best is either installing app (see the guide below) or using standalone flash player to run swf locally Here is the workaround I've got from one my patrons: Unzip the file so that the projector app (shown as a file that has a an icon with a white ‘f’ on a red square) is extracted. This is where the work around starts. Usually you’d double click this to start the app, instead you need to right/option click and select “Show Package Contents”. Finder should then open up the application folder and inside you’ll see one item named “Contents”. Right click on this and select “Copy Contents”. Next go to your desktop or any other folder you’d like to run the app from and create a new folder. You can name this anything you like, but for sake of argument let’s call it “leave2gether”. Once you create the application folder right-click on it and select “Paste item”. This should duplicate the “Contents” folder that you already copied from the original app folder into this new location. The last step to do after you’ve copied the “Contents” folder over is to rename the new “ leave2gether” folder to “ leave2gether.app”. Adding the .app extension will prompt OSX to ask you to confirm that you want to do this (it will change the folder into an app package). Click yes. Now the icon of the “ leave2gether” folder should turn into the white”f” on a red square. (Sometimes you need to drag the application thumbnail around a bit for it to refresh). At this point you can now double click on the application icon and it will run!


hello im a new Supporter and i want to know when i can play the V30 on android :D ty


Hey hey hey! Running in to a "problem" with Daile. The opption to message him has happend 3 times, but now it has been 146 days since the opption was avalibe. Is there a 3 time limit on te proc, or am i buggin out?


hi. The best way to play it without lags on android is to install Puffin browser, open it and navigate to web game version <a href="https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/727200</a>


hi. Right now there are too many requirements to meet Daile (I will simplify it in the next version) - my guess is that either event with Lana or Tuna are blocking event with Daile. Please finish all encounters with Lana (including home party) and Tuna and that should release event with Daile


I'm needing help with the email issue? It seems to be not connecting and just says "former patreon" when i'm still a patreon.


fixed. There are some rare issues with patreon that might cause 'not update' thing. I'm checking with their team to fix it away, sorry for this issue


Game crashed after "Nikki's Revenge" and deleted all my saved data :/


1) did it happen once or you can replicate it? 2) do you refer to local save data? Did you play in incognito browser (it deletes all saves after browser is closed) or running exe from zip archive (it behaves the same)?


I'm also having the "former patreon" issue :/


Is there anything I can do to fix it? I'm using the exe version

barry white

I have failed the technical exam 3 times and don't have access to computer....what do I do??


Hi, Barry Test is available after career 20+ and technical skill 10-25 There are 2 technical tests - before 24 technical skill (which is basically not passable and added for fun) and real one. Correct test answers: - Line Pressure - Call Galaxy Pumps LLC technical services and request technical assistance - Put them on hold and call the corporate lawyers


Can’t log in with puffin


when you open page with game, you need to go to puffin options (on this page) and set puffin to 'desktop mode' - this will allow clicking correctly