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Joe Lancaster

Hate to see Blaine and Kurt drifting apart. I know they'll work it out somehow. It was another great episode tho but man, how could they end it that way? 😂 Poor Finn

Sara Nissen

Yes it's sad, that Kurt and Blaine don't seem as close as they used to, because Kurt is caught up in his new job/new life in New York( that can sometimes happen more or less intentional, when you have new things to do/make changes in your life etc. But it seems rather quick, that he became almost best friends with his boss, even though I really like Isabelle, and I don't know how realistic I found that midnight/1am makeover scene, and many times I don't like makeovers in(teen) movies/series, because it seems like you have to change who you are, to fit in/get liked better etc, so Brodys answer of the outside now reflecting the inside was a good respons I think), and when they do talk/have that video call, Kurt only have time to talk about himself, what he's been up to, and when Blaine wants to tell him, what he's been up to(I'm happy he won the election) and get an advice(even if it might seem like a small thing asking about a bowtie, it is important to him), he just brushes it off quickly/don't seem to listen, so I understand why Blaine might feel hurt. Good for Will wanting to make a difference in education speaking up for the arts. My favorite song of the episode is Blaine singing Everybody Wants To Rule The World, it is a great song/version, and I've always loved Tears for Fears.

India Smith

Season 4 and onwards isn't as good as 1 2 and 3.

Luis Nov

Next episode is where its at! Cannot wait for your reaction!

Sara Nissen

I agree with you. The 3rd season is my favorite with season 1 and 2 as joined 2nd, then 4 and 5 as joined 3rd and then season 6 as 4th(I still like it/it has its moments, it just among other things feel really rushed)


i have a more unpopular opionion. i would rank the seasons 3,2,4,5,6,1 so season 1 is my last fav. and i actually really like season 4 and 5