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OUAT 4x15 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

That's right... August is back!!! And I love it! Thank you so much for another fun reaction! Overall... I enjoy this episode, mostly for the storyline between Gold as he disguises himself as Hook, and Belle, as well as the backstory with Maleficent and a younger Regina when Regina helps Maleficent gain back her fire so she can become the phenomenal villainess we all know her to be. Out of all the Disney movies and their villains, Maleficent was always one of my favorites, and I absolutely love Kristin Bauer Van Straten as Maleficent here in Once Upon a Time too. She is one of my favorite villainesses too. Plus... I absolutely love her look in Storybrooke. She reminds me of an old Hollywood actress in the classic black and white detective movies. She's beautiful. As for Enter the Dragon... like I said above, my favorite scenes are between Belle and Hook, who we later learn to really be Gold in disguise so that he can get his hands back on his dagger. I didn't see this twist coming, in spite of the subtle hints I realized were throughout these scenes after watching this episode for a second time. I especially love the moment Belle attempts to summon Gold to her on the beach as she commands him to come and face him. I didn't notice it the first time I watched, but in the moment she says this command, Hook literally turns his head towards her to face her. Because Gold was already standing with Belle, he didn't have to appear before her in a cloud of smoke. Plus... I love the smug look on Hook's face as Belle is driving away, then suddenly transforms back into his true form once she's gone. Brilliant! Now, as for Maleficent's backstory... I love how young Regina finds her weakened, depressed, and without her fire, as Regina seeks Maleficent out for her help to become more powerful. And I love how Regina helps her to regain her fire so she can once again become who she really is. It was interesting to see brief scenes that give us a little bit more from the Sleeping Beauty story we all know from the Disney movie and fairytale, as we get to meet King Stefan and to see Aurora again when Maleficent puts her under a sleeping curse, then casts a separate curse on Prince Phillip in hope of keeping them apart so Phillip couldn't give her True Love's Kiss, like we knew Maleficent had done back in Aurora's storyline throughout season two. As for the rest of the episode's storyline in regards Regina pretending to go back to her evil ways so she can learn of the Queens of Darkness' plans... I love Regina's acting. And I like how her pretense led to them kidnapping poor Pinocchio and Gold bringing back August, which I absolutely love. However, I don't really care much for the overall idea of Regina pretending to be a villainess again, because I just don't believe that Maleficent, Cruella, Ursula, and Gold would ever actually believe she turned against the heroes again so suddenly. At least it was somewhat indicated that none of the villains do fully believe Regina's turn, as Gold later states that whether she has or she hasn't... come the end Regina will have to choose a side once the villains enact their war against the heroes. Oh... and I love the scene between Regina and the other heroes in the library when Regina comes to them to tell them what little she's learned from the Queens of Darkness so far. I love Regina's sarcastic side as she mocks them and calls Hook their mascot. So funny. :) Overall... I enjoy this episode. It's not one of my favorites from this arc, but it's still really enjoyable. Thank you again, so much! And I can't wait for your reaction for the next episode, as it's one of my absolute favorite episodes from this Queens of Darkness arc and throughout all of season four. So until then...


Rumple tricking Belle to get the dagger - classic Rumple move, but I love how no one could see it coming, where as many times before we've gotten a hint when someone has disguised themselves as another person, so I really like the surprise moment to this, even though it's unfortunate, and once again he's manipulating poor Belle. Glad you're enjoying the story, and the show overall :D Looking forward to the next one :)

Monica Torres

rumple has done a lot of terrible shitty things, but in my humble opinion, taking advantage of Belles fear of him and trust in Killian to steal the dagger was the grossest thing he ever does.