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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time!! I really enjoy this episode. You're right that this episode isn't as exciting as others, and not as strong as we've had in the past, but it's building up to what's to come and what's to come within the last half of this arc is fabulous. :) But I still really enjoy this episode nonetheless, and my favorite moment is the moment in the end between Killian and Emma. They are absolutely the most adorable couple throughout this entire show and I'm so happy you feel this way too. I can understand why Emma was upset with Killian for attempting to lie to her about not remembering his past with Ursula, even though it pained me that she was upset with him. However, Killian is so afraid that there are some things he's done in his past that will eventually be too much for Emma, and that she will one day come to see he isn't worth her love. He's afraid of losing her because of his sins, and that much is very evident in these scenes between them. Killian is ashamed of a lot of what he's done, particularly what he's done to Ursula. So this end moment between them is just so powerful and moving to me, because we finally see that Emma is willing and able to accept that all Hook did while still a villain, was in his past and that he's clearly no longer that man any longer. I love that she tells Killian here that nothing bad he's done in his past will ever push her away, and that she is able to see only the good in him. I also love that she assures Killian that he can tell her the truth about what he's done to Ursula, in his own time. Whenever he's ready to. Absolutely beautiful. :) And then they go to kiss and of course Emma's parents accidentally disrupt them, after overhearing Emma's and Killian's whole conversation, which unfortunately, changes Mary Margaret's and David's minds once again, making them feel they still can't tell her the truth about what they did in their own pasts. Which brings me to the backstory between Snow, Charming, Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella. Yikes... it's so not good and it's really sad seeing both Snow and Charming lose a little of that innocence we've known of them for so long now. Obviously... everyone makes mistakes, but in this case... we've learned that Snow's and Charming's mistakes caused Maleficent to lose her child in some way, as is revealed in the very end within the final scene between Mary Margaret and Regina. But I will get back to that in a moment. I like the overall storyline as the heroes and villains team up together to seek out the Tree of Life in search of an answer on how they can stop the Evil Queen from casting her dark curse. I like seeing how both heroes and villains understand how bad the curse would be for everyone... hero or villain, and that they understand the need for teaming up together. However, Snow and Charming sneak off on their own after witnessing Maleficent kill innocent men in order to get past the guards guarding the gates that lead to this tree. Snow and Charming fear that the tree won't give them the answer they seek should they arrive with the villains in tow. However, the tree still doesn't give them an answer, as it senses a potential for great evil within Snow, and Maleficent reveals why, as we learn that Snow is pregnant with Emma, who has potential to be a great hero and to be a great villain as well, which is why we learn that the Chernabog from the last episode, Darkness on the Edge of Town, was going after Emma, and not Regina. Very interesting. And also very sad too. And there's so much more to come within this storyline, that includes just how Snow and Charming are responsible for Maleficent losing her child. Now... I really like the two moments when Mary Margaret and Snow both awaken to find Maleficent standing before her in the dark. To Mary Margaret it's in a dream, given that Maleficent is still dead at this point, and to Snow within the past she appears to her for real. Very scary indeed. I would be terrified. And I love both of their conversations too, as Maleficent seeks Snow's help once more, asking her to do so as a mother because she too is about to be a mother as well. And how it the dream, Maleficent's appearance to Mary Margaret was a warning of what's to come. And Maleficent is alive once again!! I really love how Cruella, Ursula, and Gold all teamed up together in order to resurrect Maleficent, by luring David and Mary Margaret into a trap that they easily fall for because they're so afraid of their secret being revealed, especially to Emma. And while I find it interesting that all they needed to resurrect Maleficent was a little of their blood because they are the ones who wronged her so appallingly, and Maleficent's ashes left behind in the mines after Emma had killed her in her dragon form. As much as I love this idea... it's a bit inconsistent and it seems too easy, especially when Gold/Rumplestiltskin has said on multiple occasions in the past that the dead cannot be raised and brought back to life. However, it's still exciting and I love that Maleficent is back again and the Queens of Darkness have been reunited. :) As for the storyline with Regina seeking answers about the Author with Henry's and Emma's help... I love that we finally get to see Geppetto and Pinocchio again, as they try to jog Pinocchio's memory from when he had been August, upon Regina getting the idea from the storybook when she discovers the pages from Pinocchio's story are different from the rest. This whole storyline was really good and I especially love the scene between Regina and Geppetto, when Regina comes to him in his garage to apologize for lashing out at them. It's quite a beautiful moment, and I love that Geppetto gives Regina August's things in hope that she and Henry can use them to finds some answers... which Henry does. In the end, it shows Henry finding a page out of the storybook showing a simple picture of a door, with a sticky note scribed by August that talks about the Author. And lastly... I love the little montage in the end showing Henry finding this page, as well as Emma and Killian walking arm in arm down the street looking as adorable as always, and finally Gold as he's watching Belle through the window of his shop, only for him to see her talking with Will Scarlet and then kiss, appearing as though Belle has already moved on. Not good. I don't care much for this moment, but there's more to come. Thank you so much! Like always... I loved your reaction for this episode and I cannot wait for all the rest to come. This next episode is okay, but then after that... episode sixteen, is one of my overall favorite episodes from this Queens of Darkness arc and throughout all of season four. So I can't wait for it!!!! Until your reaction for the next episode, Enter the Dragon...


I was just thinking how lucky you are that you won't have to wait up to a year between the seasons, like I did when I watched the show the first time xD Because I'm telling you, after the season 4 finale you're going to want to jump straight into season 5! I like how this episode had a sense of film noir, especially the ending with Snow "narrating" through the montage, while her and Regina stand in the shadows in the rain, very cinematic. I do agree that the Belle/Will thing is a little out of the blue, and not one of my fave things, but I do really like Will actually, just not sure if I'm a big fan of him with Belle xD Also I still get a kick out of all those puns that are thrown around, especially between Ursula and Cruella, and whoever they interact with - like Emma saying: "Guess you're off the hook" and Ursula taking it personally, being a sea creature xD "Would be nice if at least one of the Charmings lived up to their family name" is a brilliant line :P Really looking forward to your next OUaT reaction, I so enjoy them!