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OUAT 4x04 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Marco Dal Bosco

Can't wait to see your reaction of Stranger Things ep.7 and ep.8 :)

Kitty Lover

have you considered watching OUAT in wonderland? And Rumple didn't get the box back from Ana, he found it in the house where him and Belle had their honeymoon. Remember? :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode!! Easily, this is another one of my favorite episodes from season four. Hook has begun to fit himself into the modern world and dang... he looks good in his new clothes. :) First... I absolutely love the moment Emma walks into Granny's to ask Hook out. One of my favorite scenes. This is such an adorable moment between my favorite couple, and I love that she's the one who at last takes the initiative to ask him, as we know that Hook has attempted to ask her a number of times before only to be unsuccessful. I love how Emma asks him so quickly because she is nervous about doing so, which causes Hook to miss the dart board completely when he attempts to throw a dart at it as she asks him. And I love how Killian mocks her for being unable to plan a proper date, and how he offers to do so. Then, Emma states, "Well, just so you know, I don't pillage and plunder on the first date.", to which Hook answers her, "That's because you haven't been out with me yet." And that face he makes... Hook is a gorgeous, gorgeous man. :) And then... Hook goes to try to blackmail Gold in hope of getting his hand back. Yes... it's very foolish of him to do so, especially because Hook does know Rumplestiltskin better than most people, given their history together. But nonetheless, I love this entire scene between them, and all the scenes throughout the episode between them. Their dynamic is phenomenal. I love and understand Hook's reasoning for wanting his hand back, as he wishes to be able to hold Emma with two hands instead of just one hand and a hook. And I feel that while he's accepted his hook as a part of himself in the two hundred years he was a pirate and a villain, since he's met Emma and he's worked so hard to change to become a better man, his hook is now nothing more than a reminder of the man he used to be and he's afraid Emma will always be reminded of the villain he used to be so long as he keeps his hook as well. As for Hook falling for Gold's manipulations when Gold tells Hook what will happen if he takes his hand back... that Hook's hand will cause him to fall back into the selfish pirate and villain he used to be... I can understand why Hook didn't trust him, because the Dark One lies and tricks just like Gold said as he mocked Hook in the end. However, he also should have suspected that Gold might have done something to his hand. Either way... all magic comes with a price and Hook most certainly paid a big price and now he's unfortunately in Gold's debt for the foreseeable future. And I love this new storyline between Hook and Gold. There's so much to come. :) As much as I love Hook in this episode and understand why he seeks his hand back from Gold, for Emma's sake as well as his own, he does sadly go about it the wrong way. Unfortunately, there is no right way to go about it with Gold at this point either. Blackmail is the only way for Hook to get something from Gold because of their history together. Next... I love, love, love the moment when Hook comes to pick Emma up for their date at hers and her parents' loft. I like the brief scene between Emma, Mary Margaret, David, and Elsa just before Hook knocks, as Mary Margaret takes a picture of her daughter when she comes down dressed in a pink dress with her hair pulled back for her date, as if Emma was leaving for her prom. So cute. And then, Hook arrives at the door and I love how he and Emma both stare at one another in awe at how each other looks, as Hook is dressed in black jeans, a black button up shirt, vest, and a new leather jacket instead of his long leather duster, then reveals his new/old hand upon holding out a rose for Emma. I also love how Emma mocks him by calling him "Captain Hand." This brings us to Emma calling Hook Killian at last and I love it! I also love how cute David is as he acts like a father would towards the man coming to take his daughter out on their first date, and how Emma is embarrassed by her parents. I also love the scene when Emma and Killian are on their date inside a restaurant called Tony's... which is a nod to Disney's Lady and the Tramp. If you watch closely at the moment they first walk into the restaurant, you can see another couple eating spaghetti from both ends until their lips come together in a kiss, just like Lady and Tramp do in the Disney movie. It's great, and the first few minutes of their date is adorable. Unfortunately, this is the beginning of Killian's fall, when Will Scarlet attempts to flee from the restaurant until he bumps into the waiter standing above Emma, causing him to spill the wine and wine glasses on top of her. Immediately, Killian grabs Will by the lapels of his jacket collar and demands that Will apologize to Emma. And as worried as Emma becomes upon seeing Killian acting out of character all of a sudden, Killian is swiftly frightened by his actions and pulls his hand back, as he then becomes weary by Gold's warning that his left hand would change him back into the villain he used to be. Not good, but I love this whole scene. And then... we have another of my favorite moments between Killian and Emma, as Killian walks Emma home and they say goodnight. I love the kiss shared between them and how Killian asks Emma out on a second date, to which Emma responds with a beautiful kiss. Sadly, it's slightly interrupted, when Killian begins to stare again at his hand in fear upon sensing something's very wrong. I also love the moment between Emma and her parents, when they surprise her at being still awake and Mary Margaret is so excited to ask her daughter about her date. And how uncomfortable David is with hearing about it. So adorable. Later, Killian comes upon Will again as the thief is attempting to break into the library, and Killian suddenly becomes enraged with Will when he resists as Killian tries to persuade him from breaking inside, then strikes Will over and over again with his left hand, before threatening him that he better not tell anyone he attacked him, then runs around the corner. And upon this occurrence, Killian fearfully realizes that Gold was right about his warning. I love his facial expressions throughout these scenes. Colin O'Donoghue is brilliant with expression and emotions. This is a big part of why Killian is my overall favorite character throughout the whole series. And I'm so happy that you consider Hook as one of your favorite characters too, Jay. Just under Rumple/Gold and Regina of course. :) Next... Killian then goes back to Gold to demand he take his hand back so he get rid of it to save himself and protect those he cares about from himself. Unfortunately, Gold continues to manipulate Killian, forcing him to make a deal with Gold. An open ended deal without Killian knowing what Gold will ask of him in return. This leads us to when Gold and Killian meet up at the docks where Killian slept through the night, and then together they make their way to the Apprentice's home in Storybrooke. And Gold forces Killian to hold the Apprentice down while he traps the old man inside the magical hat. Then... in the end we have one final scene between Killian and Gold once again inside Gold's shop. I love this scene, as the two rivals come to a bitter understanding between one another, as we learn that Gold didn't actually curse Hook's hand, but simply played on Killian's fear and hatred for him, and Killian's hatred for himself. I feel so bad for Killian, even if he did fall perfectly into Gold's trap. Gold/Rumplestiltskin is brilliant. He lies and tricks, just like he warned Killian he does, just like Killian knew about him. Now... as for the backstory with Anna, Rumplestiltskin, and the Apprentice... I enjoyed it a lot and I love that we learn more about the reasons for Rumple/Gold wanting the box containing the Sorcerer's hat. It's brilliant that by collecting himself enough power inside the hat, that it will allow for Gold to cleave himself from the power of his dagger so that he can no longer be controlled by it, but still keep his power. I also love how naive Anna is towards Rumple at first, until she finds her strength to defy him when he tries to convince her to poison the Apprentice. Unfortunately, this storyline parallels with the Storybrooke storyline, as we see how Rumple tricks and manipulates Anna into getting him the Sorcerer's hat, having failed to be able to do so beforehand just as Zoso and other Dark Ones before them had as well. However, Anna manages to get a hold of the dagger and forces Gold to send her home to Arendelle with the box in hand. I was so proud of Anna for getting one over on Rumplestiltskin. And then... another of my favorite moments is in the end between Anna and Kristoff inside the stable with Sven, when she finally returns home. I love how happy Kristoff is to see Anna return. They're so cute together. And it's adorable how they act off of one another. This makes them one of my favorite couples throughout the show as well. Overall... I really love this episode and it's easily one of my favorites all because of Killian and Emma. I just absolutely love them together and I love all of the scenes between Killian and Gold as well. Fabulous acting all around. Thank you so much, Jay! I truly had so much fun watching this episode over again with you. And I'm so happy you loved this episode too. I can't wait for more!! Until next time...


The interaction between Hook and Rumple is always just spot on, so intense and enigmatic, they really work so well together on screen, those two! Rumple is just the master of manipulation, no doubt! But he can get a bit too cocky, like with Anna, and that's when she's able to get the better of him. I love when Emma notices Killian has his hand back, and she's all "So do I call you Captain Hand now?" xD Looking forward to having you see how the rest of the season unfolds, be prepared for twists and turns at all times :D

Linda McDonough Garcia

I completely agree with you. I love this episode as well. Yes, Hook is one handsome man whether it’s dressed as a pirate or a modern day man he’s oh so fine. I also loved all the Hook & Emma scenes. As well as the Hook & Gold scenes. I can’t wait to see Jay’s reactions to the rest of the Frozen arc.

Melissa Amato

He lies, He tricks, & Hook, should have know'n. 200 years should have clued him in. I Adore Killian, but sometimes even I become confused by the plot, & direction, & Writers, really off Character script.

Melissa Amato

For instance, Killian himself in the beginning of Sea 4, this Season even admits to Emma, He's aware that she is avoiding him, because he claims he's perception is top notch, & not just a mere boast, he really is. But later in this Ep. With Gold, the Writers blind his perceptive mind to the fact that Gold is full of BS, & loves to F*** & Toy with poor Love sick puppy Killian, Especially. When it comes to the Cheeky Pirate threatening him. Killian still a daring Dashing, fool hearty Pirate, can't resist rattling the Darkone, like No one would ever dare. To hand the Beasty a knife & fork, & be stupid enough to push, & get into the Beasts mouth, & dare him to bite down on him, yeah, not my Captivating Captain, Hook. It really does dumb down his Character, & it's no contest who is going to win, & ruin Emma & his night together. 🤬🤕😝😕Huh¿! Killian wake up, Gold is playing you... 🦈🎣☠️⚓😈🧑🏻 He's going to have fun with you... It's what the Darkone does. You know that😞🐌☠️⚓🧑🏻⚓🤷🏻‍♂️WHAT IS GOING ON?! PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HONEY, NOT A FALSE POSSESSED HAND, THAT BY THE WAY WAS YOUR HAND ONCE. WOW. TIME TO KEEHULL THE DARKONE, BEFORE THIS GET'S OUATA HAND. 🙄😊

Melissa Amato

💗🌎💗☯️💗 🤷🏻‍♀️🐶✨🧚✨