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Hey guys, I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to get much content out to you recently, I’m honestly just stressed with work right now and extremely exhausted once I get home because I’m working in 100+ degree weather everyday, if you’re still a patron I really appreciate you for sticking with me and I’ll have a few surprises coming your way <3 there’s a lot of drama going on at work with the owners treating the employees like crap so a lot of people have talked about quitting and I honestly don’t wanna work for people like that much longer ????? so we’ll see how it goes. Sorry for mentioning all the drama and stuff but you all deserve to know why the videos haven’t been very consistent. Love you all, I should have quite a few videos coming up in the next few days though. Stay tuned!


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I promise you, I understand. You've no need to apologize. I'm so sorry that work has been so stressful for you. I wish you luck with whatever decisions you make. I wish you well. I look forward to more Once Upon a Time like always!!! Sincerely, Heidi

Ceara Abrahamsz

Thanks for the explanation! I was curious why it’s been so inconsistent and few and far between. But that makes sense, and I hope it gets better for you! Wishing you well, especially with all the stresses in your life. 🙏❤️ P.S I’m not going anywhere anytime soon! Sticking with you! Your doing you best, that’s all I and anyone else can ask for!


It’s fine I’ll be waiting

Alyssa Bernd

Take as long as u like deary...sry couldn't resist lol I hope to c more Charmed in the future. I miss yer reactions to that. &lt;3

Kitty Lover

Hope everything gets better for you. I’ll still be here :)

Linda McDonough Garcia

I completely understand. At my previous job I felt under appreciated so I do hope it gets better. I love your reactions to OUAT &amp; that’s my favorite series &amp; your watching one of my favorite seasons so I’ll patiently wait for more. Thanks for your great reactions &amp; I appreciate your love for my favorite series. And you think that what you’ve seen as yet has been good just wait for what’s to come!!!!


Dude, your wellbeing is more important than a video or two..