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OUAT 4x03 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



FYI the thief, Will Scarlett, was a major character in the one season spin-off "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" - he is also the Knave of Hearts (it's not stated but there is a little nod to it in a later scene... personally I'm still confused by the timelines on that one lol) - Love this episode, one of my favourites, especially the building tension between Hook and Rumple.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Fabulous!!! Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction to another of my absolute favorite episodes from season four's Frozen arc!!! I love Rocky Road so much, and there's so many twists and turns throughout this episode. Wow!!! First... my absolute favorite moment within this episode is the moment between Killian and Emma in the end as Emma confesses to Killian that she's pulling away from him because she's so afraid to lose him like she's lost Neal, Graham, and even Walsh... who no fan of this show who loves Emma and Killian together, even consider him to be a real love interest for Emma. But I absolutely love the look of surprise and adoration on Killian's face as he looks at Emma the moment she confesses this to him, then as he then states... "Well, love... you don't have to worry about me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's surviving." And then... he pulls her body close to him and kisses her passionately and lovingly. So beautiful. It's a perfect moment. :) Now... to begin with, I really don't care all that much for the continued Marian storyline, and yet her becoming frozen by the Snow Queen leads to a different take as to what I was somewhat expecting for a love triangle storyline between Marian, Robin, and Regina. And I really do appreciate the turn of events, especially when Robin comes to Regina for help to save her, then later admits he believes True Love's Kiss failed Marian because he was truly in love with someone else... with Regina of course. I really liked that brief moment between Robin and Regina. I liked the storyline between Emma and David as they find the thief in the forest, who turns out to be Will Scarlet, a former Merry Man and friend of Robin's until something caused them to part ways. I like that this thief leads Emma and David to the Snow Queen's ice cream shop where their suspicions that someone else must have ice magic after trusting that Elsa wasn't the one who hurt Marian, was confirmed because the ice cream throughout the shop is all still frozen despite there being no electricity running a generator to keep it so. I also like that Emma is struggling lately, not only with trusting in her magic, but also with simply being sheriff, especially after Regina snidely retorts that Emma's the one in need of saving as of late. Emma has always struggled with being the Savior and with believing in herself, but up until this point, she's been better thanks to Hook because he believes in her and has always given her the strength and courage she needs to believe in herself. Sadly, she's once again begun to doubt in herself, and even more so now thanks to this new villain in Storybrooke, who appears to have already been here for some time before Emma and Hook travelled back to Storybrooke through the time portal, with Elsa trapped inside the urn accidentally in tow. Next... I love the storyline between Elsa and Kristoff in the past in Arendelle. I love how Kristoff has continued to remain with Elsa while Anna's still on her own journey, as he continues to try to help Elsa as she deals with her duties as Queen. And in this storyline, we learn that Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, and his twelve brothers are on their way to Arendelle in search of the magical urn we see that Elsa was later trapped in at some point later on in this arc. Yes... you're right that the actor chosen to plays Hans most definitely looks just like his animated character in Frozen. Like always... the casting is top notch and even Hans is no exception. I love how Kristoff then sneaks off to spy on Hans despite Elsa asking him not to out of worry that he'll get into trouble, which fortunately for Kristoff, he doesn't. But he learns of Hans' plans for the urn and runs back to warn Elsa that Hans plans to use it against her so he can become the new King of Arendelle. So... Elsa and Kristoff make plans to find the urn on their own before Hans and his brothers can. I also love the moment between Kristoff and Sven when he's talking to his closest friend while spying on Hans. This reindeer is so adorable. I love it's expressions and sounds he makes, and how Kristoff talks to him upon understanding what he believes Sven is saying to him. I love the whole scene in the cave, when Kristoff and Elsa reach the urn and how Kristoff warns Elsa to destroy it, only for her to fail to do so because she wants to study it instead. And I love the fight between Elsa, Kristoff, Hans, and three of his brothers, until Hans threatens to kill Kristoff unless Elsa turned over the urn to him. I really love Kristoff's and Hans' banter back and forth, then the moment when Hans unleashes the Snow Queen from the urn and is suddenly turned into an ice sculpture by her. Hans got exactly what he deserved. And I also just love how Elsa pleads with the Snow Queen not to hurt Kristoff, saying to her and mostly to Kristoff that he's her friend. Then... later in another scene between Elsa and the Snow Queen, we learn that the Snow Queen is Elsa's and Anna's mother's sister. I didn't see that coming at all and I loved this twist in the Frozen storyline. Back in Storybrooke... my favorite storyline is between Hook and Elsa, after Emma kind of demands that Killian look after Elsa and protect her, due to a number of the townsfolk being afraid of Elsa on account of what happened to Marian, to Emma as she nearly froze to death inside the ice wall, and because the ice wall is now surrounding the town and keeping them all trapped inside. And yet... instead of leading Elsa to the sheriff's station like Emma asked of him, Killian decides to lead Elsa to Gold's shop where they can get some help, because Emma's possibly heading into danger and he refuses to just wait by while she is so. Once they reach Gold's shop, Killian threatens Gold as he states that he knows Gold better than most upon seeking revenge against him for over two hundred years, and knows that the dagger Gold had given Belle was a fake, just as we know to be true. I just love Hook's and Gold's entire conversation and the looks they give one another, until at last Gold gives in. Like you said, Jay... I love seeing the rivalry between Hook and Gold come back again. I also love, love, love the conversation between Killian and Elsa as they're walking through the woods and talking about Emma, and how Elsa recognizes Killian's love for her. Then, they finally come to where the ice magic leads them, where they find the Snow Queen. I love how Killian pulls out his new phone that he hardly understands to call Emma, and how he struggles to explain how it works to Elsa because he barely understands it. So cute and so funny. "I don't bloody know... I just press the Emma button and she answers." And yet she doesn't, like most times he tries to call her she doesn't and he grumbles about having to carry the phone when she hardly ever answers him. I love how he struggles with having to use his phone, or any modern day technology, being a two hundred year old pirate. So cute. :) And then... the Snow Queen attacks as she traps Killian by freezing his feet and lower legs to the ground, then uses her magic to not only create a number of falling icicles over Hook, but to also neutralize Elsa's magic so she can't use her own magic to help Killian. Thankfully, Emma and David at last appear just as the Snow Queen is about to kill Hook in order to frame Elsa to show Elsa that everyone will turn on her and see her as a monster, and Emma saves Hook just in time by blasting him and David, who runs forward to try to help Hook first, backwards with her own powers. I also love the moment the Snow Queen suddenly reveals she knows Emma more than lets on, making Emma suspect there's more to this new villain as well. What another great twist in the story... that's there's a possibility Emma and the Snow Queen knew each other like Elsa knew the Snow Queen in a life she can't remember either, due to the rock trolls supposedly using their power to make Elsa, and possibly Emma, forget about the Snow Queen. Brilliant!!! And lastly... I love the conversation between the Snow Queen and Gold in the very end. Yes... the Snow Queen's quiet and eerie voice is very creepy, but I absolutely love it, and I love her as the new villain for this arc of the season. And I love how Rumple seems to know a lot more about this Snow Queen as well, and I love that he is now eagerly awaiting for the Snow Queen to come to him to make a deal. Yikes! I can't say for an absolute certain exactly which season or story arc is my favorite because I love so many, but this arc alone probably has the highest number of episodes that I consider to be my favorites within a season. There are so many good episodes that I absolutely love. And overall... I love, love, love this episode so much! Thank you again for such a wonderful and fun reaction, Jay!!! I can't wait for your next reaction, for The Apprentice. It's another one of my favorite episodes this season! :)

Linda McDonough Garcia

Thank you so much for a great reaction to one of my favorite episodes in season 4. I love the Frozen arc storyline & there are so many awesome episodes to come. I enjoyed the backstory & loved the scenes with Kristoff & Elsa the actor’s are so good at portraying those characters. We also got a glimpse of who this snow queen is & we've only just begun to scratch the surface. I love the storybrooke scenes. The Regina, Robin, & Marian storyline is going to get very interesting but will have to wait almost the whole season to find out how it ends. I loved the scene with Elsa & Killian when they were looking for the snow queen & Elsa called him out for not wanting to run away from Emma. I loved the part where he said being a pirate isn’t bad especially when it’s a charming one like meself. Even though “Captain Hook” is British that’s actually a very Irish thing to say, so to me that’s Colin O’Donoghue talking. But, I just love that whole dialogue between them. And we he tried to call Emma on the device thats used for talking & he said I just push the Emma button & she usually answers😂😂. Probably my favorite scene is the scene between Emma & killian when she tells him everyone she’s cared about is dead & she can’t lose him too. And of course killian gives his iconic & infamous answer “I’m a survivor”. Which all I can say about that is thank god. But, I just love that scene it’s so heartfelt, beautiful, but sad at the same time. And then it ends in that sweet & passionate kiss. Omg I just love them!!! I can’t wait to see your reaction to the next episode The Apprentice. And you had said you were enjoying the interaction with Gold & Kilian, well you’re going to be getting a lot more of that this season. And it’s gonna be great!!! I look forward to the rest of season four & excited for your reactions!!!!

Linda McDonough Garcia

I absolutely agree with you Heidi about your favorite scene which is at the end with killian & Emma. I absolutely adore that scene & that kiss they share is the icing on the cake. And I agree that nobody who loves Emma & killian as a couple would consider Walsh as an actual love interest for Emma & that’s even before he turns into a flying monkey. I’m so glad he wasn’t who he pretended to be cause I couldn’t stand seeing them together & it was just for one episode. I can’t wait to see the next episode & the rest of the season as well. It’s fantastic!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I agree with you 100%!!! I love it all, including the dialogue especially between Killian and Emma, as well as Hook and Gold, and Hook and Elsa. Like always... I enjoyed reading your comments again, Linda. It's always fun to read comments with similar opinions about what I love about this phenomenal and beautiful show. :) Thank you!

Edwin Wickey

Definitely my favorite story arc! I really love how the Snow Queens soft voice freaks you out... So freaking hilarious!

Edwin Wickey

Also, I don't know if you caught it, but one of my favorite moments of the entire show is when Emma shows up to stop her and she yells,"Hey!! Dairy Queen!!" HA!!! Gets me every time


It's funny, cos I remember when season 4 was just about to start, there was a lot of scepticism about the whole Frozen setup, and of course it took like no time for everyone to just fall in love with it, cos it is so well written! And yes, the mysteries in this season are amazing, much less predictable than any of the previous seasons I feel, cos some of the earlier stuff kind of gave a lot of hints and clues a little early and you could more or less guess certain outcomes, but this storyline, actually all of season 4, is very open to guessing and leaves you on the edge of your seat, trying to rack your brain, which I just love! Can't wait for you to learn more about the backstory and how the present is affected by it all!

Linda McDonough Garcia

I completely agree. I also heard people had said they weren’t sure how doing a Frozen arc would turn out but then ended up liking it. It’s one of my favorites. I enjoyed the backstory & I loved their characters in storybrooke & how it all connected. I loved all the twists & surprises!!