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ouat 3x15 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



By all means, keep 'em coming ;D This is a really intense episode, and so sad - I mean it's heartbreaking enough that Henry doesn't remember Regina and seeing her pain, but then Neal coming back and giving up his life, just wow, tear jerker! I love when you literally jump out of your chair by the way, and how much you invest yourself in the characters :) I still think Once Upon a Time is one of the most well written shows I've seen in a long, long time - and I watch a lot of shows! xD You'll love the next episode with them finally having a confrontation between the heroes and Zelena, there are some epic moments coming! :D

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Again... thank you so much for a second episode reaction today and I truly hope you stay on this Once Upon a Time kick. :) I know that you have other shows to react to of course, but you're so close to the end of this season, and season four is amazing too!!!I'm so excited for all to come. Now, as for Quiet Minds... this episode was very sad, of course with Neal's death. And yes... he died so that Rumple could live again and so he could tell Emma who the Wicked Witch really is. However, I have to say that this episode is among one of my least favorites of the season. And I only say so, because I felt a bit underwhelmed I think, and I've never really been too big of a fan of Neal's character. His death is tragic and I absolutely feel terrible for everyone who cared about him, especially Emma and Rumple. Henry and Killian too. But if I'm being honest... this isn't the first time we've seen Neal supposedly die, back when he died in season two until it was later discovered in Neverland that he was alive. His real death is much worse now. However, I think what bothers me the most was that when he was talking to Belle about paying the cost to bring his father back, Neal was just so careless about how doing so would make those who loved him feel. And of course... to bring someone back from the dead, especially someone as powerful as the Dark One, there's going to be a terrible price to pay. Yet Neal just did so regardless, despite Belle's plea for him to wait so they can try to find another way to save Rumple. Honestly, it was a foolish decision on Neal's part. It just really kind of bothered me. But with all that being said, I felt so badly for Rumple and it was definitely sad to see him take Neal into himself in order to try to save him, even though doing so made him go crazy upon gaining Neal's mind too. That was a nice touch on the episode's storyline. Now... if I had to pick my favorite scene, I absolutely loved the brief moment between Killian and Neal in the hospital, when Killian suddenly hugs Neal much to his surprise, then states that he still sees the boy in him whom he once knew all those years ago too. It's quite sweet and very unexpected coming from Hook. I think that's what I loved about it. And it showed just how far he's come since Hook was brought into the show as a villain. I also absolutely loved the moments between Regina and Robin of course. And now Regina knows she and Robin are meant to be soulmates like Tink told her all those years ago upon Regina seeing Robin's tattoo on his right wrist. I loved hearing them repeat their lines they spoke to one another in the Enchanted Forest, with a few changes in the wording, showing just how perfect they are for one another too. Lastly... I loved the moments in the end where David and Mary Margaret come into Gold's shop to tell Belle and Killian that Neal has died, as they comfort them. And then seeing Emma go to Henry to tell him about his father being a hero who died to help them, in the only way she could without Henry remembering the whole truth. It was such a beautiful and sad moment. But most of all, I loved the scene in the end between Rumple and Zelena once again within her storm cellar. Right now... Gold is broken upon having lost his son once and for all. And he's still trapped as Zelena's prisoner. However, ooh... is he angry now. It's going to get good. :) Overall... this episode was just okay, but I still enjoyed it very much. I can't wait for the storyline to continue throughout the rest of the season and watching each episode going forward with you all over again, as you watch them for the first time. Your reactions as always... are so much fun. I love just how much you love this show like I do. Thank you again, so much! Until next time...