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It's finally here!

I can't even begin to express just how happy I am to finally have finished this (and to a level I'm satisfied with, even).

I felt like I was getting consumed from the inside. Every time I thought I was making progress, I would hit another scene that I'd rewrite dozens of times just because it wasn't being handled as delicately as I felt it had to be. The end result was... well. You guys all went through that horrible delay of mine. You all know what the end result was ^^'

Still, I hope what's in here will have been worth the wait. At the very least, I'm happy with the story and character development shown in here. It might be a bit rough in terms of proofreading, but that's because I wanted to release it as soon as I considered the writing done.

I really hope you guys will leave your feedback on this update. I really want to know what you guys think of it. Whether it was well written or not.

Here's what you'll find in this update:

  • Day 30 for Jun
  • New CGs

PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17bEx33AY-JjCEUnkTBPC6WbpLOA10c3c/view?usp=sharing
Mac: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EUvshZ2rM1I4wLK4yvh5mHsziGryxvEy/view?usp=sharing
Android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X47n5Zr__daa08WWzXKZXR8cOBzkp71c/view?usp=sharing




(BEWARE READER!! No direct spoilers in here, but your expectations going into this update won't be completely blind if you read this comment before playing the update) Golly, what a perfect update to a beautiful VN, I mean that with 100% sincerity. With these gut-wrenching, heart-shattering truths out in the open, I feel like I can finally breathe for Yuuichi and Jun, especially Jun. It has been such a long ride to arrive at this point, but that makes the resolution to this excruciating conflict all the sweeter. WOTB, I've probably read dozens of furry visual novels over 5+ years by now, and if nothing else, this update, this route, this BOY has so far cemented Tennis Ace among THE greats in my book. Every part of this story on every route has hooked me in for the long haul, but Jun is special. I hope for all of the troubles that you go through to create and deliver this to us, your efforts do NOT go unappreciated. I appreciate this, I LOVE this! You may feel terrible about this update being delayed so long, but of course we understand your situation, and in this case it paid off more massively than I was ever anticipating. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for Tennis Ace!


Damn, that update was great. Hope Yuuichi will start taking some small breaks from all these realizations :P


That update was really great ^-^


I'm not sure if it's just me but is anyone else having trouble installing the android version? It seems to not install


The update was freaking amazing, I can see why it took so long. Jun may not be the route I want to go down, but dang...you handled everything so well and the writing is amazing! Also that CG scene, Nyrauh is amazing as well. Looking forward to what's next ^^


Love the new update, it's nice to know what you have been hinting at with Jun.


I love everything about this update it amazing I can’t help but cry during kin’s path this is by far the best vn I have ever played I keep having to replay everyone’s path because I’m just that hooked and I can’t wait for the next update


Spoilers: The wait was 1000% worth it. I was wondering how the two could heal the rift, and it was not only beautifully done, but, against all odds, realistically done. In summary, incredible update.

Kharnos Strayder

Ok, Loved the update despite how the path makes my heart ache. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Also on a unrelated note what is with the NO DC Thing in the upper left hand corner, did not notice that in earlier versions.


Jun is the only one for me< 3 Wonderful job on this one. I am loving how much time and care you're taking with Jun despite the other characters seeming more popular for whatever reason. I love all the paths but Jun is just the best


That "NO DC" thing isn't an issue with Tennis Ace, but an issue with Ren'Py and nVida.... Basically, when nVidia detects a program, it tries to automatically set the optimum defaults and that's when we get the "NO DC" in the upper right corner. There's a fix, let me dig for it and I will post it in a few. :)

Jalen Solomon

This was really well done and I enjoyed it immensely. Yuuichi sorting out his problems were great to read and the moments with June where really sweet.


OMG So amazing! I love Jun soo much! You did an incredible job covering so many deep and emotional topics. Cant wait for the next update! Thank you soo much for all your hard work its amazing and I love it!

The Mysterious M3tav0X

I have a number of questions and several statements, the first of which being: How dare you? I'm not sure my heart can take many more updates with THAT level of emotional whiplash! Starting with Yuu's latest existential crisis, followed by some nice bonding with mom and love advice, then THAT bomb about Jun gets officially dropped, only to be followed by THE quintessential emotional payoff we've been waiting for the entire game! This update was a lot and I just want to give all the characters hugs now. Amazing work, as usual! Also, the new crying Jun sprite is equal parts adorable and gut wrenching and makes me just want to see my cinnamon roll sunshine child smile again!! :,|


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you did such an amazing job this update was fantastic! loved the new cg super cute scene jun is so precious




This update really was very good. More than worth waiting for.


Great update, my only one small critique is that the conversation with our mom feels like it dragged on for too long, great content and things Yuu needed to hear, but it could be condensed a bit more, less flowering and fluff. Great job loved it, waited so long for my fix of heartfelt drama!


I liked the additional character development it brought for Misaki, actually. Was nice to really see that, despite seeming largely absent on the surface, she's actually well switched on and there for Yuu and Aki when they need her to be. It's a welcome touch.

Lady Aelora Vaelius

Hey! I love this VN! Its delightful and made me smile constantly. Shoichi is definitely my fav (to be fair only route I have done heh, also am probably the only one fine with pushy Sho >///>) and I second the notion I saw on Itch about Haruki getting his own FWB route! (Also random aside, Is Kei-kun a dom/sub/switch? I am a sub irl and only really enjoy romancing doms so I can put myself in MCs shoes. I plan on doing his route too and would like to know! ^-^)


Dude, this is frickin solid! You are consistently fantastic at writing dialogue and character development that feels real while still being interesting. Definitely worth the wait. Just don't stress yourself out too much about getting an update out on time. Great job!

Lady Aelora Vaelius

Alright, just finished his route. Love it but feel so bad for Shoichi. As for the whole top/bottom thing, to me at least, he seems to be a top which is great. From the angle of the pic his dick looked slightly longer and he cums twice as much, fantastic. Plus getting ass slapped was cute cx (Oh and being little spoon cx)


Frickin crying. Thank you for this update! <3


Will the next update come on time?




Yea, unless basket decides to pull another big plot twist on us


Loved it :) It had certain parallels with some shit I went through, which made it a hard read BUT it was beautifully handled and ended on a happier note :)