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Hey, everyone

First of all, I want to apologize for the long silence. I told myself that I wasn't going to make a post/status update until I had a concrete timeframe to offer. And as I kept struggling more and more with this Jun update, the silence just extended way beyond what it should have. I'll admit that I was so focused on working on the update that I forgot to tell you guys what was going on.

I'm currently heading to bed to take a nap before I have to get up for class at 8AM. I'll work on finishing up the update during class and should hopefully have it ready to post before 5PM (my time).

Once you guys see this update, you might understand why I struggled. It's very, very dense in character development, as well as having one of the most important scenes for Jun's route (and one that requires a lot of delicate handling). All in all, I think you guys will be satisfied with it. I just hate that my perfectionism caused me to be so late with it.



It's alright, quality is more important


no worries, it's better to take your time then to rush it, we understand


I'd rather wait for a perfect update than get a flawed one on time, no worries man :)


It's okay .3. I'm struggling with mine as well, since I don't want to make another redo. ;3;9


Boy, does this give me newfound anxiety for my next Tennis Ace stream! But seriously, I’m really looking forward to seeing Jun’s route again.

Steev Heart

well, i can imagine the struggle with your classes and this. but i want to highlight an important thing. since you are getting patreon each month, you have obligation to your fans to update them even if there is no update. and, perfectionist is bad as itself cause it will push you more to stress and anxiety. i would prefer to hold the game at all until you get a clear view of what are you going to do.

Jalen Solomon

Very exited to see the next part of Jun's path! Don't push your self too hard, at the same time monthly status updates would be good and cause less anxiety on are end even if it's to say there is no game update this month. Your doing good work and I'm happy to support this game!


Like with any game I'm happy to wait until the developer feels they got it right. Also, I'm a big sucker for good character development so I'm super excited to check this update out! Take care with your classes and of yourself!


Quality over quantity. Delicate scenes need delicate hands, and that's what you did.


Hey, can I ask your Twich handle? I'd like to check out :D


Take your time Basky, both for the story and for yourself. We don't want you feeling as bad as Shoichi with all that work - Most of us would rather a happy Basky and a late update, than a stressed out Basky and a shoddy update. Take care of your own health too, it's the most important ❤


I rather you come up with an update that you're proud of than one that you are not. Take your time! Thank you!


Character development so soon? Pog, thought it'll take another update or two for that. Take care