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It's heeeeeeeeeeere,

Everyone, thank you so much for your patience. I'm finally done with writing and programming this update. It makes me so happy to get it out again ;-;

I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm about ready to crash right now.

Here's the list of changes:

  • Day 28 added for Jun
  • New expressions added for Haruki
  • New CG art

PC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1op2zklxlpn803w/TennisAce0.43-pc.zip/file
Mac: http://www.mediafire.com/file/x2muwzehzv93kcj/TennisAce0.43-mac.zip/file
Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w6tf5gxgx4m6jhl/TennisAce0.43-android.apk/file




Get some rest my dude, you’re more than deserving of it and thank you for all the hard work you put in each and every day. ✌️


Sleep for at least 24 hours Basky ^-^


cant use any of my old saves :x


Thank you for all the hard work, This is an amazing game. Is there a place to put bugs or crashes? I am trying to play from my last save and it is getting errors, when you hit ignore, it takes you to creating a new character. Just a heads up.


Best birthday gift! Thank you!

Steev Heart

i hope you did well at your study... thank you for the great efforts..


Wonderful job as always! Each and every one of your updates is a reminder of how much I care for these characters, especially given how much heavier the Jun route feels emotionally. While well-written, it's heartbreaking to see how Yuuichi and Jun have switched roles in some way, with Jun now being the one asking Yuuichi if he's ok and Yuuichi being the one trying to pretend everything is fine.


Yeah the next update will be interesting since Jun is aware and just let it be for a moemnt since it was not the rigth time. I am excite also a bit annoyed that the next update will be in January ;_;. But i also get the feeling that the next one will be also the one where they confess each other.


I'm impressed with how you approached the MC's inner turmoil from having his future stripped away from him forcibly. I think that the road to recovery for the Jun relationship with by fraught with conflicting feelings- the MC obviously cares for Jun (even going on a few dates), but it was Jun's fault at the end of the day for walking out in front of traffic without looking. I think the MC is going to explode at Jun sometime in the near future- but it'll be healthy since you can't have those toxic feeling bubble away under the surface.


Thank for new version WOTB! ^^


Thank you for finally putting this out. It's been on our minds a lot how is MC going to deal w/ what's happening, and it's great to see that everyone cares a lot about him, but as you've shown he's still going to have a lot of internal struggle until he finds an answer that would make all that happened "okay". I also can't help but wonder if Jun will finally take the chance and spill the beans about everything because honestly he's been through the same mentality as "can't let anyone worry about me" and MC might find relief in talking about these things with Jun, soooo as always good job and looking forward to the next one!


That was a really incredible update, so many emotions.


Hello guys, I have a quick question “spoiler alert” With this update, I had to reinstall the game and start over. What are the choices I need to make for Shoichi’s good route again? Is it; “Standing up to his dad” and then “pressing him about his mother”?


Got damn.. this really hit me hard... just excellent update as Always. But holy shit it messed me up

The Mysterious M3tav0X

Finished the update last night and OH MAN is it good to be back in Yuu's head! God, Jun's route just likes to get a vice grip on your feels and refuses to let go, I swear! Jun's route has such a different feel to it compared to the other routes; it just hits different, you know? I'm so anxious to see where this is gonna go! What's gonna happen now that Yuu can't play tennis competitively anymore? How is this gonna affect everyone in the long term? I need to know and have no choice but to wait and see!! I personally theorize that this route is gonna go one of two ways from here, though I'm holding out for one more than the other. Obviously, there's gonna be a whole thing of everyone trying to help Yuu find something new to do with his life now that tennis is completely right out as a career; the real question is whether or not Yuu is going to stay INVOLVED in tennis going forward. Like, I think it could be a real possibility that Yuu might elect to go into something like sports management and/or medicine and becoming a coach or something. I mean, I can only imagine how much people would pay to have the the former number 2 semi-pro in the country teach their kid tennis, and it might end up being something of a catharsis for Yuu, like passing the torch on to the next generation of tennis players by teaching them all he knows is a similar way to what his father did for him. It makes sense to me, at least, and it would be a way for Yuu to be involved in competitive tennis without going pro himself. The only other option I see going forward is for Yuu to distance himself from tennis as much as possible and finding something completely new to do with his life, and that doesn't sound like it would make for as good of a story, at least in my mind; I could be completely wrong though. Time will tell. Aside from all that, there's only one thing I really feel the need to bring up and it's honestly something that's bothered me for as long as it's been a thing with the game. In ONE of Shoichi's expressions, the tips of his ears are cut off, and it's ONLY in that one expression. The specific expression is that sort of sad, pensive expression with his ears up and his eyes looking off to the side; for visual, on Jun day 28 (i.e. this update), after Shoichi shows up to the waiting room, it's the expression he has when he says "And also, well... I'm sorry I never showed up earlier today. For lunch, I mean." This particular issue has existed since that expression was added for Shoichi and it's been bugging me ever since! I figured that by now someone would have mentioned it and it would have been patched, but there it was, still there and staring me in the face... Is this, like, a known thing and just no one has cared enough to either mention or fix it? Or am I just going crazy here? I understand it's a super minor detail and I'm bothered by it WAY more than I should be, but I've never seen it brought up in any way, so I just started to wonder if Basket was actually aware that this was a thing... Anyways, I've brought it up and made my peace for the time being so let's move on! As always, a really well done update for Jun! This route always manages to get a rise out of me and I almost can't wait for more! It's gonna be a LOOOOONG three months 'till the next update! Keep up the stellar work! P.S. Just thought I'd mention that Jun's dad be lookin' pretty good for his age, ngl! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm sure Atsushi would be pleased to hear that. Or not. Who knows how he'd react :p Those were some very good guesses, though. Of course, I won't say which (if any) is correct, but the logical assumptions were very good! As for the sprite thing... I actually don't recall anyone ever reporting it to me. I just went to check and, sure as hell, the very last two or three pixels on the tip of his ears had been cut off for some reason. I fixed them already, so it won't be an issue from now on. Thank you for reporting it!


It is definitely a role-reversal! Now to see how they adjust to it or if it sticks :p


Unfortunately, that's just how it goes with in-development games. Changes made in the script aren't always backwards compatible and might screw with older saves now and again. It's the reason why 'Skip to next choice' is available in the game. I'm sorry :/


Unfortunately, that's just how it goes with in-development games. Changes made in the script aren't always backwards compatible and might screw with older saves now and again. It's the reason why 'Skip to next choice' is available in the game. I'm sorry :/


No worries, I thought I did not have any saves for closer but found one that was close enough that was able to bypass the problem without having to remember to many of the choices made so all was good. It was an amazing update

The Mysterious M3tav0X

I honestly don't even remember when that sprite was added or if I was even a patron back when it was; I just know I was far from being the first person to play that update (whenever it was) and figured someone would have mentioned it by then, so I just ignored it. 😅 But then, all this time later, it still hadn't been patched, so I figured I'd just bring it up to make sure I wasn't, like, going crazy or something. 😅 Good to know I wasn't just being neurotic over the whole thing (at least, not entirely!) Lol