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Honestly, at this point I barely have words. Spent the entire month trying to catch up with a mountain of college work, as well as the commissions I took almost two months ago when I was behind on my bills. 

While I'm managing to catch up with them (only two college papers left that are urgent, though I haven't even started on the first one and it's due tomorrow), I barely managed to get work done on TA. Like... honestly, not even close to done. Barely even 1/3 of the way through. I pulled a few all-nighters here and there, but there is no way I'll be able to get it done in time.

I want to say it'll be about 8 days (after the end of the usual deadline - this month being the 30th), but I'm not sure I'd be able to get it done by then. Realistically, I'd probably need 10 to 11 days (posting the update on October 10th or 11th).

I have no excuses to offer. I barely have the energy to even try to offer them. I will get this update out, and I hope you guys know that for a fact by now, because whenever I ask for an extension, I always get it done in the time I promised. I'm just sick of needing them. I want to be able to get a single update done in time, but it's been rough.

Once again, I'm sorry guys. Right now, though, I desperately need to sleep.

I'll get the update to you guys as soon as I can. Please bear with me (again).



Don’t worry about it.


Dude, it's fine. Take all the time you need.


Really life crap happens, especially since this isn't your only commitment. Don't worry about it, take care of your other stuff, and get it done when you can!


Don’t stress too much my dude, I ain’t gonna rush ya. Take all the time you need


No worries! Take all the time you need. We'd rather have the update when it's ready, than it be rushed


It's always worth it to take the extra time to make sure somethings good so its perfectly fine :)


We understand you have a life, if you need time, that's normal, you life comes first and let's say it's adding a little bit of suspens 😘


Hey it's okay take as long as you like! We'll wait no need to rush things. Your body needs to rest and keep your energy whenever you can. Please don't pressure yourself to much. We're worried about your health 😔. Stay safe and healthy 🙏 ❤ 💜

The Mysterious M3tav0X

Hey, take your time! Don't run yourself ragged over this; we understand.


Take your time and focus on you and the pressing things! No need to apologize or feel bad! Hopefully things calm down for you soon.


So whatcha gotta do my dude. We'd rather have a quality update with you rested and sane than something rushed. Just remember to take care of yourself, eat, and get plenty of water!


Take this time to do whatever you need to do and then take a nice long break. I’d rather you be at your 100% than just barely running on fumes. I honestly wouldn’t mind a longer delay if it meant your taking some time to rest and recuperate.


Don’t rush things. So much better to take necessary delays and put out work you’re happy with then push out content that doesn’t have any soul


Im just a record on repeat here when I say this but dude its ok haha we all are going through turbulent times and the fact that you have consistently made updates throughout the months has shown your care for the folks that love your project and the W.I.P itself dont feel bad when you need to take a break here and there we are patient we have to after we have imvested so much time into your visual novel with its wonderful characters so all in all take a rest my friend you earned it in more ways then words can even describe oh and cheers to your progress you have made thus far on a lovely VN


Your health comes first! We all appreciate the hard work you put into this project and we understand that life gets in the way sometimes! No need to feel sorry about all the stuff that’s out of your control! You focus on getting the rest you deserve!


Take your time and do what you have to. There's no need run yourself ragged, we can be patient and wait for you. But please take care of yourself first before anything.


Take your time, don't work yourself to the bone. Your health matters, we can wait for however long you might need, in order to get your homework load off the way, and get whatever time you need to get the next update out. We're not going anywhere.


In all fairness it's hard to call this a delay considering you are consistently releasing content at or around the same time each month, it'd be far more accurate to simply refer to it as an adjusted release schedule due to life's penchant for getting in the way at times. And really no one is likely to hold that against you since we've all been there. I am very aware of the irony of saying this, as I'm the last person who should be giving anyone advice about taking time for themselves and to unwind, there is going to be a point where you physically cannot push yourself any further and your body will simply stop wherever it is at that time and refuse to go on like that and switch itself off, so do try make a point to take a break now and again so you minimize the chances of that happening at inopportune times.

DJ Kyu

No worries, man. Take care of your stuff, I'm sure the most of us understand. ^^


No worries, man. well to be truthful, I still didn't saw kei-chan last day. I'm behind on so many VNs, cause of collage, and stuff, so I understand.


God, please don’t push yourself. No amount of writing is more important than your health, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


I don't know why you don't just change upload updates around the 5th-10 th of every month, it would be easier on yourself my man.


Your wellbeing is first and foremost. We all appreciate your hard work but don't push yourself too hard.


this isn't the issue, the issue is that from what I understand, basket is being overwhelmed by the amount of work they have (college, TA, personal live) which led them to needing more time than 1 month to release an update. It's all fine honestly I'd rather have a high quality update rather than a rushed one :), and if anything it's great to know that they're not taking us for granted by still fussing over deadlines and not leaving us hanging .


Hey, that last update was great (a big expansion of content compared to usual updates) so you get a pass on this one.


...which is exactly why i think he should give himself a little more time to make it easier on himself every month....?


Just do your studies and give a lifesign every now and then. Better a good update than one where we can read sleep deprivation between the lines


Your well being is a priority. I will always value the fact that you are able to maintain your health and well being over the visual novel. We support you and hope that everything goes well for you in the midst of these struggles!


Focus on yourself first and foremost - We don't want TA to be the reason you fall into depression or get stress from everything. Hope you get some good nights sleep soon!


Focus on yourself, if people are pressuring you to update it then they must learn, “Patience is a virtue”. You gave alot of supporters that can understand and possibly even relate to your situation on the work load from college. You dont have to apologize, its just stuff that happens in your life that you have to go through. Its all good 😊🤘

Devin Williams

Your work is well worth the wait. Take your time, and just know that we'll be waiting here! I'm happy that you actually are willing to communicate with us about delays instead of giving us half baked content like Bane with Blackgate and charging us in full for it. Tis why I'm a supporter of you (Not just because I'm irrevocably in love with Jun.)


Hey, I'm a new supporter, but your work although amazing does not need to be put before yourself. I'm sure people are willing to wait and look forward to your work rather than you hurting yourself.