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First of all, I'm really sorry about the delay. Luckily I was able to get it done sooner than I was expecting to (4 days instead of 7. Wooho...).

This update was a bit tough to write because of all the others things I've been having to do for my move and whatnot. Still, I think it came out good in the end. I definitely hope you guys will like it! This one also splits from the norm a little bit in that, instead of having one big day, it's actually three smaller ones.

Here's the changelog for this version:

  • New CG added.
  • New sprites added.
  • Shoichi's days 14, 15 and 16 added.

PC (Linux and Windows): https://www.mediafire.com/file/e8gdzkddmytv1k8/TennisAce0.20-pc.zip/file
Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y5jme3z30io3qs1/TennisAce0.20-mac.zip/file
Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/esw5rudfyl2ea2k/TennisAce-0.20-release.apk/file 




Hey Basket! I've been wondering, now that you're not on Discord where's the best place to ask you questions and stuff?


You can shoot me DMs on Patreon. That would be the safest bet since I don't really go on Twitter that often and they can sit in my inbox unread for a while before I see them


Omg omg omg omg omg omg I’m soooooooooooo looking forward to this 😁😁 love tennis ace so much

Off-White Lynx

Props to you, I've been writing a bit myself lately for a friend and it just drains me!


Yeah. Writing can be surprisingly draining xD Still, it's what I love to do and I'm happy to be able to do it as part of my everyday life :3


3 Days! Holy Hell! :D Can't wait to play it tomorrow! I have to say, Tennis Ace is pretty much the only Visual Novel i support at the moment. Some VS either got left to die or the changes were so weird, it wasn't fun anymore. Keep up the good Works! <3


This made me soooo happy, really enjoyed playing through this update, thank you so much, really brightened up my day X3


Oh wow, that was definitely worth the wait! :D


YOU! I DEMAND COMPENSATION FOR THE DIABETES YOU JUST GAVE ME! That aside that was cute I could just.... mmhm. Anywho In Day 14 Shoichi say about the tennis club being a part of his problem, pretty sure he is part of the volleyball club.

North Grizz

That was great! Especially as I'm a Shoichi fan.


Wow, this update was really cute, definitely worth the wait! Now I can't wait to see the other two confessions :3


Just had to say this update was well worth the wait, and utterly heart melting in parts. (May or may not have shed a manly tear...) Keep up the amazing work, this story has me utterly hooked!


I just finished the update and let me tell you I prayed to god and I never pray at all that’s how good this was I have never cried so hard in my life 🥰👏🏻 Kudos My man seriously amazing work. (Btw hope your move will go smoothly with no issues) also THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME!!


Aww, thank you for your support dude. It really means a lot. And I hope you'll enjoy the update once you play it today :3


I'm glad it was worth it, I just wish the wait hadn't been necessary ^^'


Sorry, diabetes and all sugary related diseases are not covered by the game's insurance. Please contact your local insurance company for further instruction~ Jokes aside, you are right that I typed in the name of the wrong club. Oops >.< Thanks for the warning :3


Well, I'm glad you were able to enjoy it. I was on the fence with this update because I honestly wasn't sure if the quality was up to par since I had to do a lot of stuff in a rush >.


Well, those will take a little bit longer since the relationships don't all progress at the same pace (they all have different starting points after all xD). We'll definitely get there though!


Just hope the melting doesn't cause any lasting damage hahaha And for sure, I want to keep up working like this for a while. I love working on the VN, even if it's pretty draining sometimes xD


Thank you for the well wishes. I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much. I had always hoped I'd be able to make something that would touch people's hearts x3


Not only do I love the stories you've made but I love pacing and the progression of the relationships; they feel much more natural than the gung-ho way other authors write their characters. Loving it so far and hope to see more once you're all settled in!


It honestly really hit my heart so bad tennis ace is one of my favorite games to play it stands out to me more than others I love visual novels but tennis ace is on a whole other lever for me which I love idk how long I’ve been supporting u maybe awhile now but I’m never gonna change it because this game really really hits so really thank you so much for your hard work it pays off just letting you know 👌🏻😁😁


There once was a shibe who could smash most girls and one boy in each class; He then fell in love with his best friend for twelve and now t'was he who'd be smashed at last! Okay, poem out of the way, where can I submit typos/errata? I can't quite find it and Patreon's navigation leaves a lot to be desired.


THANK YOU!!! for the update I have been waiting for this quite some time now and I'm very pleased with it. Hope you do a great job with the other routes as you did this.


Well, I do prefer taking things slower instead of just dropping the player into a serious relationship. It's just my personal preference really haha Glad you're enjoying it!


I have to admit... I know nothing of poetry xD I should probably get more familiar with it as a writer but I really suck at it x.x And, yeah, I should start posting a link to the error log whenever I make a new update but I tend to forget. Here you go: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sd6XDq9YXE8UpIaqBmP0Z8JRfjiCApPcN65KmMbFJHo/edit?usp=drivesdk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sd6XDq9YXE8UpIaqBmP0Z8JRfjiCApPcN65KmMbFJHo/edit?usp=drivesdk</a>


Aww, thank you! I was honestly really worried that this might not be well received. Glad to see I was wrong x3


Freakin'. Adorable.


i loved it ! shoichi is my favourite! i want some nfsex scene XD but i think is litterally in a roomance way and not romance/sexual way ? D: anyway i hope to see juichi and the MC more lovely dovely


So so freaking adorable. Shoichi is definitely trying to overtake Jun's place as my favorite. Seriously though, I love all three and every time there is an update I start the whole game all over to play through the new route. Tennis Ace and EA have brought so me so much joy and sometimes make me wish I could make my own Visual Novel. :) Keep up the awesome work!


What is EA? I'm new to visual novels and I was looking for something similar to this 😊