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Hey, guys.

I'm really sorry to be posting this (I've been postponing this notice for as long as possible holding onto the hope that I'd be able to finish it in time).

The thing is, I'm on the process of moving. I've been boxing stuff up, organizing the details of my trip (plane ticket, bus ticket), renting a new place, etc etc. Because of that, as well as the fact that I've been visited by family frequently as they are saying their farewells (since I'm moving away from my family), I haven't had as much time to work as I'd have liked. So, again, I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to delay the next demo for about a week so I can get everything in order and finish it in time. I'm really sorry everyone x.x



Don't worry about it b. Another week ain't a big deal


Take your time

North Grizz

Absolutely do not worry about it. I know how hectic and stressful moving is, even more so when you're moving away from family. Just take your time and we'll get it when it's ready.


don-t worry man i hope u have a safe trip and be well!! hope a new life start for you.


When your comfortable and settled in that's when someone can work their best so take all the time you need to rest up and find your footing