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So, guys. I honestly don't know when Patreon started sending the warning about these changings, but I know that I and a few other creators I'm in touch with received an e-mail today detailing changes in Patreon policies.

Basically what is going to happen is that Patreon will stop charging processing fees (PayPal, Stripe and other payment processing servers like these charge fees) from the creators. What happened before is that, while Patreon advertises that creators keep 95% of the pledged amount, the truth is that we got a little bit less than that. Patreon estimates that the amount received by creators was between 80 and 88% of total pledges.

Moving forward, Patreon plans on removing the burden of these from creators so we can receive the full 95%, but that means the burden now moves to you guys, the patrons. So starting now, Patreon will begin charging an additional 2,9% + $0,35 fee on top of every pledge. This means that if you pledged $3, you will now be charged $3,44 instead, and if you pledge $40, you'd now be charged $41,51 (basically, the higher your pledge, the more will be deducted from you for the processing fees).

Since these are charged per pledge, that means the fixed $0,35 fee they charge on top of the 2,9% will be charged multiple times. I quickly came up with a silly equation so you guys can calculate how much you'll get charged monthly on total (discounting taxes such as VAT, which are decided based on the country you live in), it is this: TAM(Total Amount Pledged) + 2,9% + (0,35 x Number of Pledges). So, for example, if you pledge $300 to 10 different creators, this is how much you'd be charged:
300 + 8,7 + (0,35 x 10) = 308,7 + 3,5 = 312,2. So, if you pledge 300 dollars total (separated between 10 different creators), at the end of the month you'll be charged $312,20 without counting taxes.

While I'm sure not all of you will be thrilled by these changes, there's really nothing I can do about it since it's a site-wide change on Patreon's part.

If you guys have any questions about it, Patreon actually sent us a FAQ that can answer most questions you might have about it.


I'm really sorry about the inconvenience, guys. If this is an issue for you guys, I suggest you alter your pledges before the due date for them to apply the changes. I just wanted to make sure you were all up to date on everything. Thank you all \o


Hyou Vizer

thank you so much for letting us know. so far of the creators i follow, only you one other (DyneWulf) have mentioned it out of 28 others i keep up with ._____." lol


Well, I know for a fact that not everyone received the e-mail yet. I'm in contact with Dyne and a few other creators and, out of those, only Dyne and I received the e-mail yesterday. So it can just be a matter of them not having been informed yet.