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Hey everyone,

Quick update here. I was trying to push up the clock to finish the update here, but along with my cat's vet appointments (to get all his shots + his castration in 12 hours) and family visiting as of recently, I'm still not quite done. I should finish up in the coming week so long as my visiting sister doesn't want to go around too much.

Until then, have a few screenshots of an early scene in this update where Shoichi looks particularly nice and emotive!

As I mentioned in my last post, this update won't cover for the aftermath of the worst possible ending to the last Sho update just yet. That one will require an entirely different script so instead of delivering two short paths (especially given that the good and middle outcome of the last update are already two slightly different paths on their own), I decided to make the experience more substantial for one sitting by focusing on one of them!

Also, wish me luck goading a cranky cat that's been fasting for twelve hours to get in a crate so he can get snipped tomorrow lol



Axel the flame wolf

Good luck with your cat and this husky looks cute

Yan Wind

Good luck buddy, irl kitty is always a priority!