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Hey everyone,

Sorry for the incredibly late update. I ended up rewriting two specific scenes here a few times as I realized my initial plans for them were a tad... too cruel. Maybe it's speaks to my mind state, but I'm a bit tired of making Yuuichi suffer overmuch, so I toned those down a fair bit to make them sound a tad more hopeful.

Hopefully you guys enjoy this update. Now it's off to work on Shoichi's next update. In it, I probably won't update all the ending scenarios of the previous Shoichi update as that would be a lot and I wouldn't be able to focus on writing a satisfactory continuation to any scenario.

Still, I hope you guys like this one:

  • Day 41 added for Jun

  • New outfit for Jun's sprite

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t6A82vkuKH0byp7mB-K_GZPMBfFe_21Q?usp=sharing

Oh, and for those who are interested, I have another sketch of the concept art Nyaruh is currently working on for the next project's concepts!


The clothes are likely to change a fair bit still as she first drew him with a direct 1-to-1 of the reference clothing before then trying to figure out how to make it more unique to the character. However, it gives an idea of the vibe we're going for!




Got a crash at the restaurant scene when jun says he'll be right back (parameter old_widget is not known by ATL transform)


It did let me continue on after the error so I suppose it was nothing major at least


Yeeeesssss Jun my boy! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ