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Hellooooooo agents, how are you doing? Hopefully you had a good weekend. Are you ready to make your picks for the Christmas Special? Because I'm eager to see what we come up with.

Reminder - Based on your picks I'll create a 6 image mini-story (written narrative included) for a Christmas themed special issue. One of the images (most likely the introductory one) will double as a cover and will be posted publicly, but the rest of it will be exclusive to YOU dear patreon supporter. This storybook will not go on sale ever so it's definitely going to be rare. A most special thank you from me to you for coming along on this epic journey through the world of erotic combat.

Setting - Madam Z has ordered the girls to set up a christmas tree somewhere in the agency, but they can't decide exactly where. So they do what they do best. Fight it out! Because after all, might is right, right? Right?

The specifics will be up to you. Each of you will pick up to two characters, and the THREE most voted characters will take part in this 1 v 1 v 1, in which the best girl will decide where this year's tree will be set up. Other questions we'll have to resolve are WHERE the fight takes place and WHAT kind of fight this will be.

So no more waiting around, follow the link and drop your input!

>> Link to Poll <<

PS: This poll will remain open for the whole week to make sure I collect all of your thoughts. After that I have to get to work on it to hit the delivery date, the 24th of December. ;)



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