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Welcome to the much dreaded December agents, and thank you all for sticking with me. There aren't enough words to describe how thankful I am for your support in this endeavour, so what I'll do is show my gratitude through this month's custom made christmas special mini-story! (Wow that's a mouthful, so we'll just refer to it as the Christmas Special from now on.)

So this is how it's going to work. I'll post a special poll next monday (the 5th) and we'll let it run for a full week just to make sure everyone has a shot at dropping their input. Based on the results, I'll create a mini-story 6 panels long (one which will double as a cover image), including a written story to go along with it. Once I'm done I'll package it into a Storybook format and give you a direct download link. The link will be available to all T2 and T3 agents.

This time around I won't post the individual images here. Why? Because this is an exclusive gift for YOU and won't be available to anyone in the future, neither here on Patreon or anywhere else.

And because the crazy Christmas holidays will definitely drive us insane during the final week of the month, I plan to deliver this gift to you early on the 24th. Literally a Christmas gift eh?

I hope you are looking forward to this special project as much as I am, and as usual we'll make sure the end result is super fun and super sexy.

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and talk to your reeeeeeeaaal soon!

Over and out. <3



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