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How are you guys doing?
Me personally not so much, I was sick with covid for almost two weeks but now I'm feeling better and recovering. Was lucky to not catch it for two years so it had to happen I guess!
Won't need a third dose now ehe :D

So getting back to Animals, did you like it?
I'm now continuing work on the extended version, tonight I'll post a poll for Directors to decide how it will play out :)

As for the Vam Launch toy script, do you personally enjoy it? Or do you find it redundant since this amazing plugin from Blazedust exists? (5) Plugins - ToySerialController+VAMLaunch | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)

I script it manually to add intensity to some sections that wouldn't otherwise have it using the mentioned plugin, but it takes time so if you don't find that much of a difference I would avoid wasting time in the future! :)

Let me know!



I'm very glad you're getting though Covid. Scary stuff the way it puts you on your back. Animals is excellent, you're keeping a high bar for your work. Don't have a toy at the moment so will leave it others to comment on that.


Take care bud and recover fully ❤️


Glad to hear... enjoy the antibodies. Speaking of bodies, "Animals" is best ever... can't wait to see it play longer :)

Sean Legend

i enjoy the manual script. It is much more accurate


Welcome to post covid - now you can live your life without a mask or concern. Animals was solid -- I don't use the robotics, so I don't know about the launch.


The Toy support is a very nice thing to have, but scene qualtity must not suffer from it. When you feel more comfortable without scripting, just leave it. I personally missed some more body dynamics, leanback poses and stuff. It just felt a bit flat and short. And her lip piercing casts a weird shadow all over her body. Cannot wait for the extended version :)


It's good to hear that you're on the road to recovery, hope you don't catch that crud again like so many have found out the hard way is quite possible. Never really had any complaints or suggestions for your content as you are literally the benchmark I gauge all other content against, some are close, but I've never seen you surpassed. Looking forward to your future releases.


Hey Alpaca, been a few days. Let us know you're ok!


I'm ok, can't get rid of this weird coughing keeping me up at night but im ok:)


Yeah the cough is awful. I got it this past January and it's still kinda there, but diminishing every day. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Anyone near WW3?


AL despite having their own ongoing health issues recently came through for me. I just want to publicly acknowledge what a great person they are and how much they genuinely care about their output and patrons. Few patrons are like this but Al is. To me Patreon is about having each others back. We patrons support our creators and they produce their craft. But it's also nice when it goes beyond that (within reason). Shows us who we really are in tough times and Alpaca Laps has shown themselves to be a real star continuing to shine bright through these often dark times. Like the song...'a real human being, a real hero!' :-D


Aww Chris stop that. You are amazing and deserve all the good things, anyone else would have done the same for you. Cause you are breathtaking! *Cit