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1. Do a perfect job.

2. Failing that, do a good job.

3. Failing that, do a partial job.

4. Failing that, do something, anything that helps.

5. Failing that, just show up.

Whatever you do, never postpone doing steps 2-5 just because you’re waiting for the ideal chance to do step 1. That’s how you end up starving your projects to death. If you can’t eat the perfect meal, eat a good meal. And if you can’t eat that, eat a partially good meal. And if you can’t do that, eat something, anything. And if you can’t do that, just show up at a place that has food.

The perfect very rapidly becomes the enemy of the good. Don’t let your perfection kill your good. Do something, anything that helps.




Adam Johnson

I needed this reminder so much tonight.