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We round. 

We round up, and we round down. 

We round "unlikely" up to "impossible".

We round "long" up to "difficult".

We round "a little" down to "zero". To "nothing".

Rounding is ruining your life. Call it the rounding problem. Improper rounding is ruining your life. The only rounding you should be doing is from "try" to "win". Call every try, every attempt, a win. Round it on up.

Everything else? Exact values. 

Don't compress your life into zero value and infinite difficulties. That's a recipe for never even tasting the vapors of your desires. 

This isn't something I say often because it seems to blow too many minds too easily. At least, it used to. But you're gonna hear it from me here because you're special. You've been chosen. Are ya ready? Got your trainers on? Here we go. The things you desire, desire you. I don't care if you call the hippie police; it's the truth. Sick Sam Harris on me if you like and watch him agree; that mofo meditates more than the Dalai Lama; he knows. The things you desire, desire you. This is a fact about reality that, used correctly, informs your common sense; it sharpens it; it actually makes you shrewder, more effective. Not dumb, not gullible, not passive.

The simple fact that you are even capable of wanting to be, do or have something means that you're already in the vicinity, you're already in the neighbourhood of it; there is a deep and abiding valency between you and it; there is a connection and it is real and you just need to signal-boost it with a little bit of action, not an infinite amount (that would be us rounding again), just some. I don't think ants can want new smartphones; I don't think even Julius Caesar could. You can. That means something. Believe it and stop rounding.

Of the 100 billon people who've ever lived, most probably didn't even know that the Japanese language existed. Furthermore, humans have only inhabited the Japanese archipelago for so long, so ontology trumps even geography right there. It's quite a challenge to want to know a language that does not exist -- whose non-existence you aren't even aware of.

You're not some chump. You may feel like one, but in relation to all of reality, you're a major player. You're big stuff. You're in the middle of it all; you're on the field, playing the big game, and nobody who's alive is a spectator; you can go spectate when you're dead; you can go give up when you're dead; you can go be "too old" when you're dead; you can go be "too young" before you're born*. Think like it. Act like it.

*Ephebophilia joke coming in 3...2...1... :P


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