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Make yours bigger.

Everyone who is alive at the same time as you belongs to your generation. Everyone whom you think is cool belongs to your tribe.

Don’t nickel and dime yourself over who left which blood-soaked uterus at which point in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. We won’t even be a single-planet species for much longer; what’re you gonna do then? There are going to be extra-terrestrial homo sapiens. Martian years won't be Terran years. Are you gonna exclude them, too?

You want information. Good information. Useful information. You don’t care who used to own the money in your pockets and bank accounts. So why care where your info comes from as long as it is good? Ignore the source and go for the goods.

Of course, what you really want is not a bigger or purer tribe, but a better tribe. But you won’t get a better tribe merely by making it smaller or more incestuous (any previous defenses of metaphorical incest that I may or may not have made notwithstanding lol); it’s not a country club — the dynamics are very different. Expand the range of what and whom you think is relevant to you and watch that expansion enrich your person and life.


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