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If you're learning anything, you're going to be evolving, and you'll be doing it faster than other people can believe. You won't even realize how far you've come until something makes you realize it. Some people may make fun of you, ignore you, accuse you of lying. Don't even respond. Just hug a friend and go back to evolving :) .

Personal evolution is always going to beat social evolution, just a like a little Japanese car or a runner on foot is going to seriously outdo a train off the tracks. People habituated to social (train-track) evolutionary speeds and progression are not going to be able to fathom you. In aviation terms, you're a UFO; you are not of this (their) world. To them, you are alien, a god, a madman, a fool. But you know the truth: you're just a guy walking off the social train tracks.

Forgive them. They are used to running on tracks laid by others at speeds determined by others. Freedom is foreign, scary and unnatural to them, not unnatural in that it's impossible, but unnatural in that it's been beaten and conditioned out of them.

Inspired by Lars Andersen, the AJATT of Archery: [Lars Andersen: a new level of archery - YouTube] https://goo.gl/LNFHDf

And here's some traditional Japanese archery for ya: [(74) 弓道 - YouTube] https://goo.gl/BLquau


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