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Helloooo foundry users! 

In the midst of our other foundry preparation happening behind the scenes, I've also been working with our friend Grape Juice who has put forward a good deal of effort into converting every available SRD token I've created into a pre-fabricated module for Foundry!

While the images for every token were already available previously through Moulinette's searchable database, this module allows for installation of the tokens without relying on Moulinette and what's more--automatically connects them with their official 5E SRD statblock. This means you can just drag and drop a token from the compendium the module generates directly into your game and it brings its statblock right alongside it for immediate plug-and-play. 

SRD Token Module URL

Directions for Installation:

1. As with any other adventure module we've released previously, you'll want to copy+paste the above URL into the bottom of the "Add-On Modules" tab in the Foundry Setup page. 

2. After doing so, it will become visible in the list of modules you may activate under the "manage modules" tab from the in-game screen

3. Activating the module will make it install as a compendium labeled as "Venatus Maps Tokens" found under the compendium section, just to the left of the modules tab in game.

4. Opening the compendium will prompt a window like the one below to pop up, allowing you to scroll through all of the available SRD tokens:

5. Clicking once on a listed token will prompt its stat page to pop up, like the image featured at the top of this post. Dragging+dropping a token into a scene (or clicking import) will bring the token into your game and list it in the very top folder in your "actors" tab.

You can expect this module to be updated every couple of months or so as I gradually create new SRD tokens to be added to the library. It's my hope that this is a helpful, time-saving resource for those of you playing in Foundry with our top-down tokens. 





This is amazing, please keep it updated!

James Miller

So awesome, this is what was missing. Thank you for all this work!

Austin Whipple

This is AMAZING. What a time-saver! Thank you!


Thank you so much for this :)


I'm trying to add this into Foundry, but I keep getting the following error: "Error: Unable to load valid module manifest data from "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwkggfqt4vodjfp/module.json" The requested manifest at "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwkggfqt4vodjfp/module.json" did not provide module manifest data." Any ideas?


Just tested myself! Module works fine on the previous version, but I can confirm procs the message you copy + pasted in V10. Forwarding this on to the folks we work with on Foundry preparation to see what can be done--thank you for notifying me of this!

Alex Phenomen

Something is wrong with thumbnail images. When I drag and drop actors to the scene, it's ok - actors have both portrait and token art. But in the compendium it's like this: https://imgur.com/a/zqD1XKf


Hm, we did some testing and QA to iron out a few things--did not run into that particular issue. You imported from the compendium tab and are looking at the table of actors after having done so?