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Hello everyone!

So I've been busy enough with ongoing projects for you all that I (almost) let our 5 year anniversary of the patreon come and go! BUT NO. Not quite. 5 years is a huge milestone and I can't tell you how daunting it is to think back at how all of your collective support has enabled me to independently pursue a creative career in the TTRPG space over those years.

CLEARLY, some thanks is in order--I am excited to reveal the "first event" of our 5 year celebration: Open the Vault. All patrons at the Pilgrim and Strategist tiers (that's about ~2/3 of you) already get instant access to the last 2 years of our content library through the Compilation Compendium. For the entire month of March in celebration of where all of this started I am expanding that access to 3 years of content by adding on the entire first year of maps I produced (download link below). 

This year of content includes a pretty diverse selection of battle maps, regions, dungeons, and settlements that created the lore backdrop for much of battle-focused content over the first half of this patreon's lifespan. A good deal of it was inspired by our own homebrew campaign and setting and I hope that personal touch of care and engagement still shines through (even if I feel my technical skill has grown since that point). 

If you're in the Explorer tier or above however, don't fret! As the announcement suggests this is but the first event I have in store over the course of the month. We've got some big rollouts planned that I hope will continue to excite and represent some amount of the gratitude I have for you all. 

(Download link has expired)

Thanks again!!




Thank you for all of your beautiful maps. I've not been with you 5 years, so sorry. I'm here now.


Fantastic maps! just great! I can continue


Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing your beautiful craft with us!