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Hello people!

Almost since the inception of this patreon page I have only ever offered 4 tiers of possible support. Today I'm announcing that as a part of the 4-year anniversary of our patreon and in response to a much-requested branch of content I am pleased to share with you the release of our new 5th tier: The Strategist. As a symbol of my gratitude and to celebrate the release of this new tier you can download my first 6 tokens from the Forest Foes theme completely free. Read onward for more detail on this new tier:

As the graphic at the top displays, this tier will be geared towards those of you interested in top-down tokens, offering 12 monthly tokens split into two halves: 6 tokens based on existing monsters and 6 tokens created for entirely unique enemies. The 6 existing creatures will work to help visualize enemies from the adventures you're already playing through while the 6 unique creatures will feature a rotating guest designer from the TTRPG community flexing their monster design skills for our benefit. 

In addition to being perfectly compatible with the style of my existing maps and assets, these tokens will be created at 2x normal resolution so that they can be resized at will and look beautiful in any circumstance. They will also arrive in multiple color or theme variants as well as options for with or without a drop shadow. 

The Token Vault

Those of you who have already been using top-down tokens in your games are likely familiar with the Token Vault, a new token-editing platform where a great deal of other amazing tokens can be found. As a part of our partnership with the Token Vault every single token released will be able to be acquired there, with patrons at the Strategist Tier receiving a voucher for 3 free editable tokens from each month's theme. Those vouchers will be able to be used on whichever token(s) you like the most, so no unnecessary polling either! 

As further celebration of the new tier, all 6 tokens released today will be available for free on the Token Vault's website. Simply add this product to your cart and use the code "VenatusFFTTV15123" at checkout. 

What kind of tokens are you making?

  • For the first couple of months token themes will be creature and/or monster focused, meaning not a lot of adventurer/NPC tokens at the onset. A couple of weeks after this tier is announced I will be sending out a poll to all patrons at the Strategist tier in order to collect input on the exact kinds of tokens you'd like to see.

Why unique monsters? Why not create from all existing enemies?

  • This is a good question! And the answer is simple: I need room to be creative! If every map or asset pack I created had to be closely tied to content already existing elsewhere it would simply be more creatively constraining for me, less fun, and therefore less sustainable long-term. It's my hope that the line of unique monsters will provide provocative creature options you won't find anywhere else and give us the opportunity to work with other designers in the TTRPG community in offering fully-fleshed out statblocks for them too!

I'm not interested in tokens, will this new tier affect me?

  • Nope! The tokens will arrive in two parts every month for patrons supporting at the strategist tier or higher, but they will not be 'paid posts'. This means everyone's supporting contribution will remain exactly the same, it's just that the tokens will only be available from here on out to $2+ supporters.

I'm already a patron, how do I upgrade to the Strategist tier?

  • If you navigate to the 'My Membership' tab at the top of the post stream you'll see your individual membership page. Immediately under the 'Your Benefits' section on the left hand side you should see a space indicating your current tier of support. Directly underneath your current tier you should see a space listing other available tier options, among which the Strategist tier is now available.  

How long will you be creating tokens for?

  • If all goes well, hopefully forever! Creating these tokens has been a huge blast for me so far and a nice sidestep from my normal environmental content for my maps. As long as they continue to be enjoyed and used I intend to be creating them for as long as there is demand for them.




This is awesome news! I'm always looking for creative things to throw at my players and the problem is always having the art for it. I can't wait to see what you make!


Well, you officially twisted my arm. Supporting at this tier now!!


This is awesome news! Thanks!


I love that you are making new creatures as well as old classics. Its wonderful!! These are in D&D 5e format. Any chance of some Pathfinder creations also?


Alas, the coupon has now expired. Will watch for other material on the Token Vault


Not intentional! Thanks for pointing this out--if you try the coupon again it should work now


Thank you! I thought that I had just missed the window, since it is now April. But now I have the little bloominators in my account. They will certainly be useful!