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Hey folks! With the release of this month's Harbor Assets, it's time to deliberate and begin planning for what the next Public Asset Pack will be. I've included the remaining options from the previous poll as well as an option for a 2nd iteration of a previous pack. If that option were to win there would need to be a followup poll to decide between the  various options:  Forest, Tavern, Snow, Rivers, Urban, Caves, Ships, Castles, Mountainside, Sewers, Chase, Underdark, and Harbor. 

If you're unfamiliar, these public packs tend to be a little larger and focus on broader themes and/or biomes. The more regular, slightly smaller 'booster packs' for patrons delve into more niche areas (like this month's dungeon assets). If you have suggestions for either one please feel free to comment below! The Harbor Assets I ended up making were directly caused by a patron commenting for them!


Tette Niinimäki

Whichever theme wins, could you include more seamless textures? :) Just noticed that Im using ridiculously often your seamless grass texture, and would appreciate if my texture-library would expand with your style :) also, if youre doing something plant related - clusters and 'props'. I struggle making e.g. forest look real, especially if im in a hurry, and clusters are lifesavers. Props (rubble, leaves etc) help build the feel :) i lnow youve made some already, but more please :p

Malcolm Wolter

Wooden fortress assets are extremely difficult to come by in the Patreon community. I think you would be filling a huge gap that many creators miss. These are perfect for Dark Age settings and outposts on the edge of civilzation. Wooden palisades, with and without fighting platforms, motte and bailey castles, ditches, defensive stakes, gateworks, all are in short supply. It's funny — you can find tons of these models in various 3D libraries (just Google "palisade" for inspiration), but no one's really captured these assets in the VTT space — not to any degree. Stone castles are great, but they're also ridiculously expensive to build and maintain. Wooden castles dominated Europe and England for a few hundred years, but they're largely forgotten overlooked today.


Second the seamless texture comment! Also the texture transition squares, like what you did with cobblestones in the harbor pack, are very helpful. I think the only other gap I repeatedly come across in exiting asset packs are rail tracks (for caves/mines).


I second Malcolm's position, although I am personally a fan of some desert life, so hard to make maps that are interesting with desert landscape. So vegetation while (sparse) dunes, rocks that can spice up the sand, dry riverbeds, oasis style.


That's definitely a goal moving forward! And I've noted the 'cluster' appreciation, will do in the future!


In regards to the rail tracks, I think you might like what I've got coming up in September ;)

Tette Niinimäki

And walls! Not just wooden, rock etc, but natural like cavern/canyon walls and such :)

Jota Pe Corvuja

One day... One day I'll get the swamp!! Mwahahahaha