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Hey folks,

Pleased to share with you all the next addition to the ever-growing Great Expanse setting, the Myrilight Clocktower. The looming structure sits at the heart of the town of Centralia, one of the more westernmost settlements and characterized by its larger demographic of gnomish citizens and their technological inclinations, the tower epitomizing this. 

The clocktower is accompanied by the musical talents of Will Savino of MusicD20, whom many of you will remember from his similar contributions of the Great Expanse theme music and the track accompanying the Montresor Navigation Order. I seriously feel so lucky every time we get Will to collaborate on a project as I love using his music in my campaigns--if you haven't already you need to check out his work.

With 7 floors to boast of, the tower is well beyond the height of any other building in town and is easily the first thing spotted by those traveling towards Centralia. The myrillium crystal that sits at its very top makes this especially so, casting a soft, bluish glow into the night sky. The clock itself obviously assists in the tracking of time from any point within town and even for those inside as the large bell in its loft sounds its gong every hour. The tower was built and is still owned and managed by the now semi-famous Thunberdink family. The ability to accurately discern the time is important to the function of Centralia, but the specifics of that is something we'll reveal later on...

For now, enjoy the varieties of this building map of the Myrilight Clocktower as well as isolated PNG assets of the clocktower's exterior and battle map-scale files of every floor (both gridded and ungridded).




Love love loooooove that you are doing the overall structure images too!


I second this! Love having a structural image for my players to go along with a map every now and again! Really helps for heists especially if they want a blueprint before tackling a score!