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Hello all! So it seems that the Sewer theme managed to edge out the Desert option in the final inning of our asset pack theme vote.

So I thought it would be interesting, fun, and helpful (for me anyways) if we were to set up a thread where you all could help share your ideas with me in regards to what you'd like to see from this pack. As I mentioned in its blurb in the poll, from a broad perspective I am planning on approaching these similarly to how I did the Cave Assets, creating a series of 4x4 interchangeable tiles that can be seamlessly linked in any number of variations. 

Here are a few of my own ideas as I brainstorm and sketch:

- The standard 'routes' (single hallway, T shape, 4-way intersection, 90' turn, etc.)

- A couple of sewer 'entrances' (larger pipe openings, official doorways, etc.)

- An option or two to transition from sewer tiles to cave tiles 

- Tiles that have extraneous rooms and other chambers connected to the main 'pipeline' to be used as the quarters for guilds, villains, etc. (perhaps some castle assets compatibility here?)

- Assets that are on-brand with sewers: bridge(s) that cross the gap of waters, patches of fetid waters, stone/metal ladders, smaller 'pipes' to build on to main sewer hallways?

Please feel free to build on this! Nothing is out of the question at this point!



Perhaps some fatburgs (sorry guys!) or other floating refuse we can arrange as footholds in the sewage water? Planks and such? Various piles of litter we can scatter about similar to the various Rock assets? Webbing or rat nests that could potentially be compatible with the Caves pack?

Sylvan Scott

I'd love the idea of broken/rotting/discarded versions of some of your other assets: including magic items. Things such as broken pipes, spigots, cranks, chains, and things like that would also really work well. Maybe secret thieves' guild runes...

Kurt Stoffer

Well, I would like to see some big, bubbling green, septic pool chambers, perfect for monsters with tentacles...

Kurt Stoffer

And slimy bridges, we need slime covered bridges

Kurt Stoffer

A festering toadstool cluster would also be fitting... maybe a sewer gator too


My idea, for what it's worth. Thumbs up for the tile concept, but I'd suggest using the same walls and floors you used with the castle asset pack. I found those assets worked great not only for castles but for dungeon maps as well, and could easily be used in a sewer setting IMHO since it would be assumed that sewers would share the same construction as castles. So then all you'd need to do is create separate water/sewer channel assets similar to the castle hallways that we could overlay the castle rooms/hallways with turning them into sewer rooms/hallways (maybe create a new castle hallway 3-4 squares across as well to accommodate a channel running down the center of it if you'd like). The channel assets would even work in other settings. Like a mysterious canal in the middle of a forest/jungle, or as channels from blood sacrifices at an alter that lead to a pit containing a BBEG that is roused if enough blood flows into the pit. Stuff like that.


Curious as to why 4x4 and not 3x3 or 5x5? I'm imagining that the sewer flow would be in the center of a tile but could also be along one edge with a walk way on the other. Or maybe no walk way. Let the money-grubbing murder-hobos wade through sewage in search of treasure. Were you thinking narrow, cramped sewers in the range of 5' to 10' across not counting the walls?


Not committed to 4x4 yet, though that would likely be the best option if I were to make them compatible with the cave tiles. Remember the squares are still at a half inch at that size so 4x4 now is really 8x8 grid squares. Will really depend once I start drawing them out next to each other and see what works best


I’ll see if maybe I can do both! I like tiles for this since that makes it quick and easy to align them up to each other, but agree that having the components separated for the examples you listed would be beneficial too


Oh, that's right your cave tiles are actually 8x8 in terms of grid or 150 pixels/grid. I just resized the non-gridded maps for my purposes.

Frank Bartlett

Possibly a small single square of bubbles, like something was lurking just beneath the surface.


Transparent slime globs to drop onto anything is definitely something we can do!


I'd like it if the 'sewage' was another layer and we could swap what was flowing through the sewers without changing the sewer. Also a walkway as an asset that could go across where ever in the sewers would be great. Love your work. Cheers


I'd like to see different sized passages that reflect actual ancient sewer systems. Most are so narrow that someone would have to crawl through, or go through sideways. Some are more like rough-hewn drop holes leading up to houses. Some sort of marker, to show where such drop holes are located, would be important too, as well as large junctions, and portculli for blocking passage through parts of the system. Some sewer systems might be so ancient that there are collapses, or partial collapses, revealing side caves or blocking off the flow.