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Heya folks!

Those of you who have been around for a while and/or pay attention to the more niche areas where it's mentioned may know of the Community Library, an ongoing project where I had been compiling maps made by all of you using the assets I've made in order to share them all back out with each other, thereby expanding our collective library of maps. In previous iterations I've shared that library out via Patreon posts, had a section on our Subreddit for it, etc. 

Today I finally managed to scrape some time together to give it more attention! I have put together a page on our website specifically devoted to the hosting and sharing of every map that's been accepted into the library. In total the collection numbers more than 100 maps and for a variety of scenarios and contexts. While obviously it's not exactly my own work, it's my hope that it will instantly add options for you to use in a pinch as well as demonstrate everyone's creativity in the use of the assets. 

If you see these and are inspired please feel free to send me your own creations too! You can email them to me as attachments at: info@venatusmaps.com.



That's beautiful all the maps are Super everyone


So I tried to download a community map off the website but it would only let me save it through chrome as a web page ".webp" file and not a png or jpeg. Figured I would let you know about that. Super cool maps, just difficult to download in the proper file type.