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Hello all!

At what may be the worst possible timing, there appears to be a streak of download links breaking among older posts. I have no idea why this may be happening and am in communication with Patreon support regarding the issue. 

Due to the recent move (in combination with us being fairly nomadic at the moment) I do not necessarily have easy access to all  files uploaded over the history of the patreon. That being said, if you notice that a download link is broken please notify me of such. You can do this by commenting on the post, emailing me (info@ventausmaps.com), or sending me a direct message.

If I have the zip files on my current device I will re-upload them (which appears to fix the issue) or if nothing else, will make a note of it so that I can fix it once I have access to all of my file storage. 

I apologize for the embarrassing lack of proper file management during this life transition and appreciate all of your collective help and patience!



It is such a huge mistake made by Patreon. I had to upload almost all my maps again this week. Patreon is getting crashes too, but I heared they are working on these problems.


Simultaneously frustrating and good to know that it is not something entirely exclusive to me. Hopefully they'll pull it together quickly--thanks for the info!


You are welcome mate, I was shocked when I first realised this mistake too. :P


I've got a copy of mostly everything you've released, so if your in need of anything in particular I'd be happy to help out.


New Patron here! The links for the last All Assets update you did (I believe Aug' 17) seem to be working fine as well if you are missing older files.


Thank you, the Download Links for Dungeon Assets pt1 and the Ethereal and Inner Plane are working now. By the way: Awesome work! I created my Patreon account only to back you and have no regrets, quite the opposite.