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I need your help!

Over the next few months I'd like to rethink how my Patreon, Discord, and YouTube memberships are structured. If anyone wants to suggest a change let me know!

My Patreon, Discord, and YouTube memberships are all connected, but they feel too separated, and I don't give them enough time to make them enjoyable for my supporters. So I want to find some ways of making these places feel like one big fun community, without me having to spend a ton of time on them.

I was thinking of trying to stream again, and maybe offer some supporter only after-party type streams. Any other types of regular events could be cool too. I might rework the Patreon tiers to be more distinct, and to offer different things.

So again, suggest anything you'd like to see.



Jason Ferguson

If I had that problem I would probably try and designate what type of communications go on what channel. Youtube messages relates to the videos that are posted there and is public facing, discord is more conversational and in-depth/ support. Patron is like a files and chronological announcement dump. That’s how I see them personally.