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I know it has been a while since I've made a video, I've been working on one for a few weeks now and it is taking longer than expected, so I figured I'd let you all know about my upcoming plans.

The next video is going to be "character animation for impatient people", then I'll be working on updating Blockblender for the new minecraft update, so expect a video about that next.

I'm making a second channel.

The idea for the second channel is to make videos that require less editing, and I'm going to try to get it started next month. In the past 6 months I've been putting more and more effort into my videos which has been giving me good results, but they've been taking longer. So, the second channel will be a way to give you all more content, and I'll post early here. More project based videos, "how to make blank" etc. And videos that I wanna make that I think might not perform well.

Third channel

I am also planning on making a 3rd channel which will only be animated shorts. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and I think it's time to start working on it. Again, I'll post everything early here, and I might make some behind the scenes videos on the main channel.
I don't know how long any of this will take, it'll probably be a while before anything is posted on the third channel, I havent started any of the videos, but I have lots of ideas started, and I've been doing more rigging and animation tests.

I'm still trying to figure out what a balance between the 3 channels will look like, and I'll most likely figure it out as I go.

As always, thanks for the support and I hope you all enjoy what comes from these decisions.



Jason Ferguson

So you’re doing a CSPAN channel for the hardcore folks and people with longer attention …squirrel


haha, sort of. We'll see what happens. There could be a variety of videos on the second channel.

Georg Mohr

I wish you a lot of fun and power for your new projects 💪🏻 I am always coming back to your old videos as it is depending on the projects I have what input I need to refresh my geometry node skills. And your videos on that topic are always helpful as I love to have automated things in my animations like the „moving points“ tutorial which is a great base for floating particles or butterfly swarms.