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Dear friends, the spoopy season is nigh upon us, and OMG SO IS THE END OF THE YEAR ALREADY WUT. Obviously I'm not in the corporate world anymore, but my brain still occasionally thinks of the year in quarters and it's Q4 and I really have not done any sort of quarterly prep and...yikes. But I'm trying to remind myself to not beat myself up about it and just get the things done instead.

As for those things that need doing... I'm still in the midst of figuring out where to move to, and of course once that gets sorted, it'll be the actual moving part. So unfortunately, the next month will continue be quite busy for me. But never fear, I will still be posting for you, my wonderful Shining Stars. ✨ 

On the plus side, once I actually do move, I'm hoping that I'll have more space--that is, an actual studio/office. Since my current flat was gotten without any intention of working from home all those years ago, it's just a bit cramped right now with all the supplies and such. Not to mention, my desk is technically half in the kitchen, so there's that lol. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to finally having a proper space for creating.

⬆️ Gouache fanart of Kiki's Delivery Service.

✨ October Special Events!

Obviously there will be much fewer events this week, not to mention fewer streams, but again I'll try to keep y'all up to date! And I'll always be in the Discord. 💖

  • Movie Night!
    🗓 7 October 10:00PM BST (7:00PM EDT / 4:00PM PDT)
  • Shining Stars Special Hangout!
    11 October 5:00PM BST (12:00PM EDT / 9:00AM PDT)
    Moar sketchbooks, moar sneak peeks, and just chillin!
    Add to calendar!

For the hangout sessions and movie night, please make sure that your Discord account is connected in Patreon so that you can join in the activities!

Also since obviously addresses are on my mind, friendly reminder to Prism Pals and Spectral Stars to please check your mailing addresses to make sure they're up to date and correct. I want to make sure you get your goodies every month!