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Oh my what?! SEPtember?! SepTEMber?!? SeptemBER?!?! WHAT even. HOW. Also for you Autumnoholics, how are your decorations going?

It only seems like less than a month ago that I was only starting this Patreon page, but now there are over 50 of you amazing Patrons?! 😱 When I started this Patreon with a bunch of ideas and hoping beyond all hope that I was providing enough value to anybody who would be kind enough to join, I had no idea what it was going to look like, over a year down the line. 

It really has been an absolute heart-squeeze that so many of you believe in me, and more importantly, believe in my aspirations. The dream that I can help people nurture and grow their own creative endeavours whilst providing methods of mental and emotional self-care; that is the dream that you are helping make a reality, a day at a time. So thank you, sincerely. 💖

⬆️ Gouache study of Ghibli foods, again. I'm so hungry.

✨ September Special Events!

  • Special CollaB7 Stream! (Rescheduled)
    2 September 6:00PM BST (1:00PM EDT / 10:00AM PDT)
    I'm honoured to be joining the hilarious BadB7 for some shenanigans--and ART?! I mean, we'll see how much art we can get through amidst the giggles lol.
  • Movie Night!   
    🗓 2 September 10:00PM BST (7:00PM EDT / 4:00PM PDT)
  • Shining Stars Special Hangout!
    6 September 5:00PM BST (12:00PM EDT / 9:00AM PDT)
    Moar sketchbooks, moar sneak peeks, and just chillin!
    Add to calendar!

For the hangout sessions and movie night, please make sure that your Discord account is connected in Patreon so that you can join in the activities!

I'll be mostly away for the last couple weeks of September, which is why everything is mainly front-loaded for this month event-wise. But knowing me, I'll still be connected and popping online here and there because I can't go long without the Internet lol. And of course, there will likely be some behind-the-scenes extras for you all when I go travelling, like sketches?! Maybe. We'll see!

Oh and by the way, do you remember... 



and this one too, it's soooo amazing <3