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Hello, friends. I've missed you all. I got back from holiday last week, but unfortunately contracted the plague while I was away, and have been in recovery. Thankfully I only had mild cold symptoms and most of that is gone now.

Just wanted to drop a line to say that I'm really really sorry for not having any updates or the April forecast up just yet and the month's physical rewards and stuff, but I'm hoping to get things done by the end of the week. Haven't been in a very good headspace admittedly so I've mainly been trying to get my ass out of bed on most days. But I'll be back into it soon, promise.

While I've been out, there have been a lot of things on my mind, but mainly of course that I have missed you all and am just so grateful to know so many wonderful people like you all.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves. 💖

P.S. And since I feel bad for not having anything else, here are some airport sketches. 


Lil Comet

Don't you dare apologise!!!! Glad you are home safe and on the mend!! These sketches are great!!!!